Chance me?

<p>Test scores
SAT: 1700
SAT II: Bio E/M 600</p>

<p>Courses: IB HL History, IB HL English, Math Studies, IB HL Chemistry, IB HL Biology, Theory Of Knowledge, Italian. (IB is equivalent to AP)</p>

<p>GPA: 90% (i don't know what it is out of 4)</p>

<p>Extra Curricular: Photography (4 years) enrolled in invitation only Photography course.</p>

<p>Internship: Interned with City Councilmen for summer.</p>

<p>Community service: Building houses in Peru (summer before junior year), Peer Leader (sophomore + Junior year), youngest member of local Obama for America chapter (senior year)</p>

<p>Essay: Good not great essay writer</p>

<p>Photography Portfolio: Subjective but i do have (i think) a strong portfolio</p>

<p>Woohoo, this is fun…chancing people…which sub-school are you entering? It matters…</p>

<p>N.B.: I’d need to see a transcript to determine GPA, but it’s probably around a 3.6 or 3.7.</p>

<p>I’ll use a 1-5 grade scale this time…

<p>QPA 4
Courseload 5
ECs 4 (Photo Port. is a big boost for this)
Essays 3 (according to your confidence in them)</p>

<p>Engineering- Target/Reach
CCAS - Target
Business- Target
Media - Target/Safety
Int’l - Target/Safety
Public Health- IDK</p>

<p>Thanks again for post. Im applying to the The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. What are my chances?</p>

<p>I think it’s a Target/Match school…you’d fit right in! It’s not a shoo-in thing, but nowhere near out of the question. I think you’ll get in.</p>

<p>GW seems to be pretty weird with their admission requirements. My child was accepted at U of Chicago and Johns Hopkins, but waitlisted at GW. I think perceived interest is important at GW, so if you really want to go there apply early admission</p>

<p>collegebound09- I am a current student at GW and unfortunately I believe you are giving inaccurate feedback to applicants re: “safety and target”. Yes, GW does look at the whole student but SAT scores are also considered and a 1700 is considerably below GW’s average. You are entitled to your options but be careful, because “chancing” is serious for many.</p>

<p>NJR- I agree that the difficulty of your courseload will certainly help but your chances will increase if you interview and show a great deal of interest in GW. Good Luck it’s a great place!</p>

<p>OOPS…meant “opinions” not “options”</p>

<p>You are right, the SAT is below the avg. (oops, I read 1960 the first go around), but I still don’t know the whole package…and also, you are right, “chancing” to some is very serious, but then again, the only people who know for sure (and the only opinions that matter in the end) are those of the admissions counselors. Showing interest is also key…</p>

<p>Maybe then a Target/Reach…</p>