chance me

<p>Hey can anyone chance me for SUNY Geneseo Business Major</p>

<p>Appyling for: SUNY Geneso</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Race- Asian (Indian)
Location- New York
Applying: Early Decesion
Family Income combined: 65,000-70,000
Financial Aid= Yes I will apply
GPA= 91.7 unweighted/ 93.17 Weighted
Classes: Mostly all Honors and AP (3 APS take so far, and 5 APS going to be take senior year)</p>

<p>Act: 30
Subject tests: 720 U.S.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:</p>

AP English Literature
AP European History
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics
AP Stats
1 more class to be determined</p>


<p>Hospital Pharmacy Transporter since freshmen year, (I was given an award by the auxiallry department for being the most dedicated volunteer) 250 Hours</p>

<p>Library Volunteer (Freshmen to Junior year) 108 Hrs. </p>


<p>Worked for my Parents at Taco Bell and Pizza Hut (our family businesses).</p>


<p>FBLA (future business Leaders of America)
Positions: chapter historian, District secretary, and New York State Secretary, (going to apply for national board position)
Awards: 4 time state winner in entreprenurship, business ethics, global business, and national winner (9th place) in business ethics. Received Humaitarian award for community service. (Im very active)</p>

<p>Lazos (The spanish Club)
Positions: Co treasurer sophomore and junior year
Went to elementary school to teach students basics of Spanish
Help orchestrate the mural in the school for club
Participated in meetings regularily</p>

<p>Peer Training:
Positions: 1 of five freshmen selected freshmen year. (had to go through an interview and stuff). Conducted workshops in health classes in high school and middle school over the years. Go to meetings regularly, and help in programs that try to raise unity in school</p>

<p>Board of Education Representative:
Positions: 1 of two representatives from my school selected (like 30 kids applied)
Conduct presentations at Board of ed meetings in front of superintendent and board of education members about the concerns of our school.</p>

<p>Mock trial team since 10th grade</p>

2nd in school in voice of democracy essay contest
Honarable mention for Pace university’s Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest
Received an end of the year of a year award from the business apartment
Many other random awards</p>

<p>Recommendations: 1st from Criminal Justice teacher, FBLA Adivisor (knows me well)
2nd from AP World History Teacher (9th and tenth grade)
Coiunselor Reccomendation should be pretty good as well</p>

<p>Essays: Common APP is very creative and should be good
Supplements will turn out good as well.</p>

<p>what u do think my chances are? what improvements should i make?</p>

<p>You will have no problem getting in.</p>

<p>^Seconded, you’re fine for Geneseo.</p>