<p>Chance me guys!</p>
<p>Dad immigrant from Brazil (black)</p>
<p>middle class (upper)</p>
<p>Attends a school where not many attend prestigious universities.
Race: African-American
Sex: Male
GPA: 4.00 (UW), 4.3 (ranked 1/360)
ACT: 34 (36R, 35S, 33M, 30E)
SAT IIS: Math II 780, Bio M 700</p>
<p>7 APs by the end of senior year. (no AP science courses available...)
Nearly all Honors Courses (only ones available)
2 years of college math (linear alg., multivariable calc.)
Only 3 yrs of foreign language </p>
<p>Harvard book prize, AP Scholar w/ distinction, national achievement semifinalist, national merit semifinalist, on pace for valedictorian, NHS</p>
<p>5 AP Calc AB
4 AP Comp. Gov.
4 AP US Gov.
4 AP US History
3 AP Chem
3 AP Bio</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
-Karate (4 years, instructor role, 1st in regionals)
-Independent research in cardiac lab at the Oregon Health and Science University, research has practical applications in cardiac imaging
-Taught summer science classes at Oregon Museum of science and industry
-Volunteered in health clinic for migrant children
-Senior math tutor in high school
-Classical guitar (6 years)
-graphic design volunteer work for headstart</p>
<p>Thanks guys!!!!!</p>