<p>High School: Sends People to Ivy League Every Year
Male: African American
Major: Computer Science/Robotics </p>
<p>Note: Took 11th grade classes during 10th grade
Rank: 13/367 Top 4% but should go up this semester</p>
<p>PSSA: Proficient in Writing,Math, Critical Reading
SAT Biolgoy-640
SAT Math-590 Critical Reading:520 Wriitng:540</p>
Honors Biology-B
Honors American Studies-A
Honors Geometry-B
Honors English-A
Physical Education-B
Information and Conputer Science-A
Spanish II-B</p>
American Literature-B+
Concert Choir-A
Physical Education-B
Honors Chemistry(11)-B
World Cultures(11)-B
Christian Lifestyles(11)-B+
Algebra II(11)-B+
Spanish III(11)-B</p>
Advanced Physics-A
SAT Math-A
SAT Critical Reading-A
General Psychology-A
Honors English-A
Spanish IV-A
American Studies-A</p>
<p>12TH Grade
AP Calculus-A/B
AP Biology-A/A
AP Literature-A/A
AP Spanish Language-B/A
AP Psyhchology-A/A
Business Law-A/A
Computer Science B/A</p>
<p>Drexel University Pennoi Honors Program
Mathematical Anaylsis-A+
Computer Science-N/A</p>
President and Tutor of Fresh Start Program
President and Ambassador of NAACP Organization
Captain of Science Olympiad Team
Head Assistant of Local Library
President of Yeadon Book Club
Member and Math Tutor of National Honors Society
Worker at CAADC Chrstian Camp
Vacation Bible School Coordinator
Guitarsit at Philedelphia Music of Arts
Played Guitar for 8 years
Designed Computer Activities for Youth
Lead Guitarist of High School Praise Team
Storyteller to Youth
Radio Show-will email MIT though
National Honor Roll
Distingusihed Honor Roll
Perfect Attendance
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Science Olympaid Award of Excellence
Who's Who Among America's Top Students</p>
Great- Including one from AP Calculus who has a doctorate degree
AP Psychology
Fresh Start Program</p>
Great including one about my expereicnce in Africa and changing changes there </p>
<p>Interview: Great Talked about Science Olympaid designs and my invovlment in Music and Fresh Start</p>
<p>You seem like an accomplished individual. A lot of people have been tearing you apart on other threads. I think this forum has gotten out of hand lately with bitter people who have forgotten courtesy. Anyway.</p>
<p>I would say you we're somewhat competitive, since MIT is not only looking for passion in math, science, and engineering, but in other things as well, and potential in general. However, I see some glaring contradictions. You got A's in senior and junior year math classes (I wouldn't worry so much about B's sophomore and frosh year, honestly), but got a 590 on the SAT I math? I even notice you got an A in a class called "SAT Math", which is just really inconsistent. Maybe you just had a bad day? The 640 in Bio is low, but not killer, and I think you're required to take an SAT II subject test in math for applying to MIT as well, which you haven't done. What's worse, it's your math that's in question. Honestly, the 500's are just not going to fly. You need to show that you can do the work, and that doesn't help at all. But hey, if you got in, I'd be among the first to congratulate you and pat you on the back (figuratively speaking).</p>
<p>Recap: I don't want to sound mean, as you seem to be heavily and very successfully involved in a lot of activities, but man, what a bad day on those SAT's (and you still need the math SAT II!). Retake?</p>
<p>Good luck, and remember, there are a lot of other schools out there other than MIT (some are even better....well, I might be biased slightly...).</p>
<p>You have a shot, but you're going to suffer really bad with that SAT 1 Math 590. Retake. Being African American should help you in getting in. But mostly your SAT scores. If you're rejected it's going to be because of that. Sorry. Everything else looks fine though, so if you get better scores you have a really good chance. I'm not sure when the last acceptable test date is so you gotta check that.</p>
<p>Agreed with the previous two posters. You seem really involved and MIT will like that. However, those scores are going to hurt you. They're quite a bit below their middle 50 percent. However, this is not to say that you don't have a chance. Stellar essays and teacher recs may offset that.</p>
<p>Overall, I think that you do have a definite chance, but to be honest I'd put it at about 5% (which is still pretty significant, and very possible). </p>
<p>At your SAT range, MIT admits well under 5% of the students who apply, but your ECs and grades are very exceptional, so I think that you have a solid shot of getting in (5% is solid IMO). </p>