Chance Me?

<p>I visited Miami this winter and I absolutely loved it! I plan on applying Early Action in the fall.</p>

<p>SATS: 2180 (700 W, 710 CR, 770 M)
206 PSAT (don't know if i'll be commended)
Classes: All honors, 3 APs this year, 4 APs next year
4.0 UW gpa, top 3% class (I go to a pretty good private catholic school, usually 3-5 get into ivies each year, class sizes are about 150)
ECs: jv indoor track, sailing team, 100+ hours hospital volunteer, 200+ hours helping out with medical research(in a lab and entering data at the hospital-my name is possibly getting published in a paper), math team, secretary of club we have that's kind of like a community service/charity-driven club), ambassadors club, math tutoring/mentoring, national honor society, nat'l english honor society, excalibur science honor society, mu alpha theta, summer course at brown about being a doctor in 2008
Awards: Wellesley Book Award, Highest average in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition, Advanced Placement United States History, Christian Ethics, Honors Biology, and Honors World History, National Spanish 3 Exam Bronze Metal</p>

<p>Thank you!!!</p>

<p>Don’t normally do these, HOWEVER this one is easy.</p>

<p>In…With great scholarship potential.</p>

<p>yep, I agree Baghdad, this is a very easy one!</p>

<p>You are in, no doubt in my mind. Scholarship looks to be VERY probable.</p>

<p>See you in Miami next year.</p>