<p>South Asian female
Finishing junior year
Planning to major in Neuroscience, minor in music composition.</p>
SAT I- 2280 first sitting
SAT II- Biology- 800, will take Chemistry and Math II this month
ACT- 35 first sitting
AP - Biology (5), did not get scores yet on Chemistry, Calc AB, APUSH and APLAC (taken this year)- expect to get 5's, except maybe a 4 in history. </p>
<p>UGPA - 3.85/4.0 , WGPA- 4.55 ( should go up after this year and next year because of AP's ) - have taken mostly honors and AP classes
Rank- 4/425 </p>
<p>Freshman course taken- English I honors, Algebra II honors, Earth Science honors, West Civ Honors, Spanish II honors, Band, Health and Gym- all A's (some A+'s (4.0) some just A 's)
Sophomore courses taken - English II honors, Pre Calc Honors, AP Biology, Spanish 3 honors, Global history honors, Wind Ensemble, Music Theory and Gym- all A's
Junior course load- AP Calc AB, AP Chemistry, APUSH, APLAC, Spanish 4H, Wind ensemble, and Gym- should get all A's
Senior course load - AP Calc BC, AP Physics, AP Spanish, AP Literature, AP Psychology, AP Gov, Wind Ensemble, and Gym</p>
<p>EC's and awards
School marching band - 4 years, section leader and woodwind captain.
Regionals and All State participant (band and orchestra)- 4 years
All School Musical- pit orchestra for 3 years
School literary magazine editor - 4 years
Writing club president- 4 years
Model UN- 2 years
Science Olympiad
Probably a National merit commended and AP Scholar
Hospital volunteer >100 hours
Volunteer at the music center - teaching kids to play flute (2 years)
Volunteer math, science, and Spanish tutor ( for 3 years > 100 hours)
Class Vice President
Raised money for Out of Darkness ( for mental health )- 2 years
She compose and arrange original music for pay.
National honor society -vice president (11,12)
Spanish honor society- Vice President (10,11,12)
Will intern in a biology lab this summer at a university.</p>
<p>Essays and Recs
She is a gifted writer - plan to start working on her essays this summer.
Recs- from chemistry and English teachers, maybe third one from the band director- should be good.
Counselors- knows her personally, so it should also be good.</p>
<p>Income- >200K</p>
<p>Please chance her for Columbia (ED), Barnard, UConn, Wesleyann, Johns Hopkins, and Fordham.
Can somebody suggest a school that has a good neuroscience program?
Thanks! </p>