Chance my OOS DD23 for UMD, UGA, UFL and NC State

white girl
small parochial high school

Undecided agricultural major
4.24 w GPA (typical plus 1 for AP, .5 for honors)
She’s not reporting class rank but around the top decile
SAT super score - 720 Math, 680 EBRW (1360 best single sitting)

All honors for core classes
AP Chem and APUSH junior year
AP Bio, AP Calc AB and AP Physics senior year

Congressional Gold Award
Honor Roll each quarter
400 hours Voluntary service fighting food insecurity
100 hours Voluntary service provide physical fitness to underserved communities
Varsity cheerleader
Competition Dancer

LOR 1 from AP Chem teacher with whom she assists in a club
LOR 2 from APUSH teacher - She received a B+ in her class - her only B for a final grade

I read her essays and she’s not a great writer so not sure how her essays will be received but she tried to link together her life as a dancer with the time she spent volunteering. She wants to maybe major in food science.

Looking for feedback on University of Maryland, University of Georgie, University of Florida and NC State. Thanks!

It is hard to say since you are OOS for all of these. On paper she is competitive, but it is hard to say from out of state. I am familiar with UMD - I think she has a very good chance there IF she applied early. If not, it is a reach - they take a huge # early which makes RD very tough.

Yes, she applied EA to all 4 schools.

I would be a little less optimistic, unfortunately, because UMD tends to be more stats driven. Looking at the profile of Fall 2022 accepted students:

SAT range (25th to 75th percentile) was 1380-1520. So 1360 is below the 25th percentile.

Average weighed GPA: 4.47.

I think chances are much better at UGA and NC State.

@AMVto2kids - best wishes to your daughter.


Thank you for your feedback.

I think your daughter certainly has a chance at these schools, but admission is by no means likely. The fact that she’s interested in an agricultural major would probably give her a boost, as it’s not one of the super popular majors (CS, engineering, business). What is her unweighted GPA? And how does her rigor compare with what her high school offered?


Her uw GPA is prob about 3.85. School doesn’t calculate it.

Her school doesn’t permit freshmen to take AP classes, they can take AP history only in sophomore year, more in junior and senior years. I’d say that maybe some students have 7 AP at most total over their HS career at her HS.

I’ve got Terps. I think the College of Ag& NR is eager to have students like yours, & yours should be admitted. It’s one of the smaller colleges and majors, & I feel like your student will shine against the other Ag applicants.

Edited to add: ok, i forgot that Admissions is blind to your choice of major. But, i still feel your student has strong chance.

See this UMD AGNR video at 24:16, Admissions is blind to major. Major considered after admitted.


I agree. my brother’s stats last year was a little higher but only got in with Spring admission from UMD.

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Did she apply to any more schools? I would think that UGA (admitted SAT 1350-1480 and 4-4.30 GAP)and UF (admitted profile 4.4-4.6 GPA and 1350-1490 SAT)would be reaches and it sounds like UMD will be as well. She might want to think about adding some safeties to her list. Good Luck!

I don’t know about UMD or UF, but I think it will be somewhat tough for NC State and UGA. We are NC residents and my D21’s stats were a bit higher than yours (also from a parochial school, similar AP’s/honor roll/varsity athlete, etc.) - she got into NC State, but some others from her high school with similar stats were deferred (again, we are in-state NC, OOS is a much harder admit - especially for the STEM majors).

UGA continues to be very popular for OOS applicants. My D was deferred and then denied there. Some of the factors could have been that UGA was a “likely” school for many of her high stat classmates, so her application didn’t look as impressive when compared to others from her high school, or maybe they received a large number of OOS applicants from NC and your daughter would fare better from a northeast state. The admitted student stat levels seem to increase every year at UGA.

Every application cycle is different though, and your daughter is a strong overall candidate - hopefully she will receive good news.


I’m only going off the experience of my S22’s friends that were admitted OOS last year with stats a bit lower than the OP’s daughter (in EA).

My daughter had similar stats (7 AP’s, rest honors, one B), but a 33 ACT and got in (with $3000 in merit, too rich for our blood).

Clemson is a good ag school, too, if she wants add another.


Yes, OP’s daughter definitely has a chance. Not out of reach, but certainly not a shoo-in, IMO.


She has and has already been accepted to a few schools. Thanks.

Thank you for your kind words

Yes, she has applied to Clemson as well.

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I don’t know about getting any merit but I think she will get accepted at Clemson.

Florida State and/or UCF might be a better option than UF for an OOS admit with those stats. My daughter applied to FSU last minute (I think their EA due date may extend into early December??) Anyway, it’s a pretty painless application. She was given a fall admit but fell just short of the in-state merit award, which I believe is based on ACT score and fluctuates each application cycle. The Florida universities also do a fair amount of summer admits because a summer session is a requirement at some point during the 4 years.

I saw a fair amount of summer starts during my daughter’s grad year for Clemson as well.