Chance my reach, match and safety schools?

<p>PSAT- 204, 72 CR, 67M, 65W</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA- 3.75 (out of 4.0)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA- 4.79 (out of 5.0)</p>

<p>Rank- Top ten percent, close to top 5 (i'm working on it)</p>

<p>AP- my school only offers one AP sophomore year, and AP classes are two semesters long, with the second semester counting as an honors class. World history (5), taking USH and Bio (I have no doubt that i will get a 5 in USH, Bio could be 4-5)</p>

<p>Senior year course load- Plan on taking AP chem, AP English 4, AP statistics and maybe AP chinese. Not sure about others if i don't do AP chinese.</p>

<p>I've taken Algebra I & II, Geometry and Discrete math, English I & II, Drama I, II and III(tech theatre), Chinese I-III, Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry and Civics. All of those are Honors except for Drama I & III and chinese I & II (only offered as standard classes) Currently taking English III and Chinese IV (both honors)</p>

<p>ECs- I will be President of the Drama Club and will be directing a play for it next winter, i'm in Thespians society and NHS, I'm president of the Slam Poetry Club and have qualified for the chance to compete for a spot on my town's Brave New Voices slam team (international slam poetry event; i'll know by April if i'm in or not) I've been playing chess competitively since 6th grade and my team won the NC scholastic state championship, currently 2nd chair on my chess team, up for consideration as the youth representative for an out of school community shakespeare group (i'll know by the end of summer if i make it) and I'm an officer in the Chinese club and the Anguler Physics club (pool club).</p>

<p>Work Experiance- Camp Counselor at a Drama day camp every summer, plan to work at a grocery store this summer</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community Service- Volunteered as a junier counselor at the drama camp before i was old enough to work, plenty of hours for NHS including work at food banks and emergency room, organized a neighborhood food drive, and volunteered for the president's re-election campaign. </p>

<p>I'm a middle class white male from western north carolina who will need financial aid</p>

<p>My father attended University of Chicago for a year, my mother went to Yale for music.</p>

<p>I want to attended med school, but will likely take the courses neccessary to take the MCATS and apply while majoring in history or social studies. I plan on minoring in chinese language</p>

<p>My reach schools i'm considering are:
University of Chicago (dream school)
Washington in St. Louis
Haverford (?) not sure if reach or match</p>

<p>My matches i'm considering are:
Haverford (?) above
Northeastern </p>

<p>My Safety:
NC State</p>

<p>How realistic are these?</p>

<p>You are in at State for sure. UNC is a low match (in-state) meaning that you stand a very good chance. You are a little better than 50-50 at Northeastern and Macalester, around 50-50 at Haverford, a little below 50-50 at WUSTL and JHU. Chicago will be tough, but not out of reach, especially if you get your SAT score up a little bit. Do you count as legacy?</p>

<p>CHANCE BACK: <a href=ā€œā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the chances! On legacy, Iā€™m not exactly sure. My dad went for a year as a graduate, but left because the proffesor he wanted to study with (Ogden) changed to another school. How are my chances for NC State Honor College? </p>

<p>Chanced back!</p>

<p>I am not sure</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>