<p>Hi, so here is my backround information. I would like to know my chances of getting into Georgetown University Masters program. </p>
<p>State College in New Jersey:</p>
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Minor in Mathematics
Concentration in International Studies</p>
<p>Overall GPA: 3.7
Economics GPA: 3.9
Math GPA: 3.8</p>
<p>Economics Courses Taken: Intro Macro, Intro Micro, Intermediate Micro, Intermediate Macro, Current Econ problems and policies, Econ development, American Economics History, Global economics, econometrics, environmental economics, statistics for economists and seminar in economics.</p>
<p>Math Courses Taken: Pre-Calculus, Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, Linear Algebra, (taking Ordinary diff equations and real analysis now) ----</p>
<p>EC's/Work and Research Experience:
Buisness Analyst and Marketing Manager at a small company (Won franchissee of the year). </p>
<p>Research Assistant to two professors. One doing research on military keynesianism and the other on Reaganomics and its inconsistencies.</p>
<p>Senior Thesis:
"How the Dutch brought down the Soviet Union; An Economic Come Back Story"
----35 page paper on how Dutch economic policies during the Cold War did 87 percent more damage to the Soviet Economy than the United States. Analyzes key statistical data and trade reports etc.</p>
<p>Economics Club--Treasury Secretary
History Club---Recruitment Officer
Student University Programmers: Admission Officer
Boys and Girls Club of America: Volunteer for two years
International Economics Honor Society
International History Honors Society
Graduating Cum Laude</p>