Chance of Me getting in?

-UW GPA: 3.47 ; W GPA: 3.92
-ACT: 32 (should I take it again for a better chance at getting accepted?)
-President & Founder of a Club ; VP of 2 Outside Clubs (Tutoring Students @ the comm. center, Fundraising for schools in Malawi) ; Treasurer in the Pre-Med Club
-Volunteering @ Hospital (9-12), Interned @ Hospital (11-12); Volunteers at the local Community Center as a tutor; Built a School for children in Africa with my Club that I served as VP with money from fundraisers we had; Volunteers at church as a small group leader (9-12)
-Student Government (9-12) (9: Secretary, 10: VP, 11: PTSA Commissioner (in charge of all dances funded by the Parent Teacher Org. & senior activities (graduation, etc.), 12: In charge of all Clubs on Campus & School Spirit Weeks)
-Volleyball (9-11) (Captain during Junior Yr.)
-Club Volleyball (9-10)
-Awards: Presidential Award by Obama (recognized for community service), Award from my Mayor, Award from Mayor in Malawi, Africa
-Student Mentor on Campus for Freshmen
-Have 2 jobs to help support my family (financially unstable)
-Other: ASIAN, FEMALE, 1st generation college student

I can’t really give an opinion but will say that things such as whether or not you are instate and what major you are pursuing can affect how they view your application. Purdue’s mission is to provide an education to students in IN. OOS admission is more selective. Certain majors such as engineering and computer science are more selective.

You will absolutely get accepted. You have great extra circulars and being a 1st generation helps a ton. Your ACT and GPA are high and the awards will catch attention of any admissions directors eye. Good job and good luck!

Are you in-state or OOS for Indiana?

@gandalf78 im oos

@stressedsally: You might also consider nursing at Case Western Reserve University:

^^ Also, I am sending you a PM.

UPDATE I got deferred.