Chance Our Daughter At Cal Poly

Chance our daughter for Cal Poly SLO.

Intended Major: Architecture (B.Arch)

Her profile is as follows:

Class Rank 1 of 140
Unweighted GPA - 4.0
Cal Poly Capped/Weighted GPA - 4.12 (projected)
UC/CSU Capped/Weighted GPA - 4.14 (projected)
SAT/ACT - Has not taken due to COVID
Attends a High School in Glenn County (far NorCal)

Honors/AP Classes:

Honors English 9
Honors English 10
AP Euro
AP US History
AP Literature


Three Years of Cheer (will be 4)
Varsity Cheer Co-Captain (Junior)
JV Cheer Captain (Sophmore)
JV Cheer Co-Captain (Freshman)
(Probably Varsity Cheer Captain senior year)
Three years of Track/Field (will be 4)
JV Basketball (10th Grade)
Cheer Competition Team (9th, 11th & 12th)
FNL Club (officer) for three years (will be 4)
CSF for three years (will be 4)
FCCLA (Interior Design) (officer) (junior and senior year)
Youth Cheer Coach (four years)

First Generation College Student
Single Income Household
110k Annual Household Income

Any guidance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated!

Your D looks competitive so far, but since you are giving projected GPA and she has not finished Junior year, things can and do change.

Race/Ethnicity is not a consideration but 1st generation and a top HS student will help her chances.

Her projected GPA is within range (3.86 – 4.25 2020 admits) but not sure if the CSU’s will be test blind the next admission cycle, so have her prepare for the ACT or SAT just in case.

With around a 29% acceptance rate for Architecture, she has a reasonable chance but definitely not a shoo in.

Make sure she has a balanced list of colleges and defintely 2 safety schools she would be willing to attend.

Have you looked for the recommended a-g course requirements for SLO? They go well above and beyond the rest of the Cal states. High school school course rigor is Very important for extra bonus points in the application review, so check the link below to help plan out her Senior classes:

In general, Honors English 9&10 are not UC approved for the extra weighting in the GPA calculation.

What will be her highest math course prior to graduation? What about science and foreign language courses? Will she be taking Physics and at least Pre-Calc? These would be beneficial since Calculus and Physics will be courses she will need to be taking her first year as a Architecture major.

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Thanks, @Gumbymom for yet another detailed response. Your insight helped us mightily with our oldest daughter!

To answer the math/science/foreign language questions, our daughter is currently taking Physics this year as a Junior. Next year, she’s signed up for AP Calculus and AP Statistics. She is forgoing ‘Spanish 4’ for the two math classes based on her Counselor’s recommendation (which was based, of course, on her college/career goals).

She will hopefully be attending one of three Architecture Summer Programs this year, either at UC Berkeley, Cal Poly SLO or Cornell. We are hopeful this will give her the assurances this is the career trajectory she wants, for starters, but also help her portfolio for applications.

She is balancing out her ‘schools’ list pretty well. As stated, Cal Poly SLO is at the top of her list, but she definitely has some safety school, others in range and a couple reaches.

She is preparing for the ACT and the SAT and will likely take them if able to do so close to home.

Again, thank you for the feedback.

Honors English 10 is now eligible as of the H.S. Class of 2020, but only if the district has done the proper work to get it accredited. That changed JUST in time to help my daughter.

@AMCdad: Thanks for the update. It really is school dependent.

@Flournoy_Parent: I remember you posting about your other D and so glad everything worked at well with her school choice. It seems you are on top of things with D #2 so I am sure she will be successful also.
Best of luck and stay safe.

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I definitely support attending the summer HS program if they hold it. My D attended calpoly’s summer program after her HS Jr year and it solidified her path to study architecture but many of her friends in that program decided architecture was definitely not for them! We told our D that even if she came out hating it, it was good info to know bc college arch programs are so rigorous and hundreds of hours in studio and if you decide to change majors you kind of start over. She ended up choosing between calpoly and northeastern’s program and chose the latter and is glad she did. We are from the central coast so she is happy to have had a new experience in a great program. That program is a BS in arch with a one year Masters to get the MARCH. she studied arch in Rome her first summer, did a semester in Spain, and has done two 6-month paid coops working in different firms to get real experience and hone her path of study in her undergrad years. It’s been a great experience.
Happy to share thoughts about various schools we visited if interested. Feel free to Dm me. Good luck to your child! What a rigorous but fascinating field!

Thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely reach out!