Chance Please? Will Chance Back!

@gklfajg Thanks, let’s hope so. Any reason you’re so optimistic?

I meant to say except Princeton as well.
But your scores and grades are good. You are a competitive applicant and there are few students that have the ability to compete with you. At these upper-tier schools, luck is simply what will get you accepted.

University of Michigan - Accept
University of Maryland - Accept
UC Berkeley - Defer
UCLA - Defer
Washington University in St. Louis - Accept
Georgia Tech - Accept
Columbia University - Reject
Harvey Mudd College - Defer
Cornell University (5 legacies, parents, grandparents, great grandparents) - Accept/Defer
Carnegie Mellon University (Applied to school of CS) - Defer
Johns Hopkins University (Applied to BME Program) - Defer, because as someone mentioned, your major.
USC - Accept
Princeton University (2 legacies, both of whom are very connected with the school.) - Defer/Reject
Stanford University - Reject

If you wouldn’t mind chancing back- Thank you!

@UCLADreaming Thanks, yeah I know some schools are just ridiculous.

@hope469 Thanks, chanced you back.

Main advice I give you is to not worry about W GPA as its pretty much useless, UW GPA, ACT, subject tests, and course rigor is probably all you have to worry about.For most top schools taking 10-12ish AP/CC Classes is about all you need, and it seems like you have that down. (And of course everything else like EC’s etc. but not to the extent of what I have listed above, but if you don’t do anything but school you’ll probably not get in anywhere, but good thing you have amazing ECs!) A lot of my friends just do homework and thats it, most of them end up going to Canadian schools like UofT (top 25) and UBC (top 40) as schools in canada just care about grades and scores.

University of Michigan - Accepted (Looks like you already got in, so looks like you have an amazing backup choice!)
University of Maryland - Accepted (Safety)
UC Berkeley - Rejected (Your UC GPA is a bit low, are you sure you calculated it correctly? My UC GPA is a 4.14 I had 4 B’s sophomore year rest A’s and all A’s junior year.)
UCLA - Rejected (Look above)
Washington University in St. Louis - Accepted possibly deffered.
Georgia Tech - Accepted
Columbia University - Rejected
Harvey Mudd College - Deferred
Cornell University (5 legacies, parents, grandparents, great grandparents) - Accepted
Carnegie Mellon University (Applied to school of CS) - Rejected (CMU CS Program is so good so its hard to tell)
Johns Hopkins University (Applied to BME Program) - Deferred (although you may get in because my brother got in wit a 3.68UW and a 34 ACT he is Asian)
USC - Accepted (Your GPA is average but your ACT is far above average USC could be a good backup option for you, as I believe last year the average UW GPA was in the 3.7 range and the ACT score average was like a 31)
Princeton University (2 legacies, both of whom are very connected with the school.) - Deferred, possibly rejected
Stanford University - Rejected (My older brother got in 4.00UW 36 ACT, nationally ranked athlete, valedictorian in IB program.

@Sterny16 Statistically, I don’t think there is a significant difference between a 4.03 and a 4.14 UC GPA. A 4.03 is probably 6 B’s vs. 4, which isn’t a big difference imo.

@Plumbus @scifan

I guess you are correct, if you look at the link above the UCs sort of group the GPA’s into sections.

@Sterny16 Yup. However, the ranges are pretty wide. For example, there’s a pretty big difference between a 3.80 and a 4.19, almost a 0.40 difference. However, most people tend to agree that differences of 0.10 or less are not significant, if that makes sense.

@scifan @sterny16 Yeah, so I’ve been looking more into it and the C/W gpa is actually really, really weird. Since they only let you include 8 classes with a 5.0 weighting, and put all the rest on a 4.0, I’m actually at a disadvantage because I took more classes.

I took 32 semesters worth of classes between sophomore and junior year, got As in 25 of them and Bs in 7. Every one of them was at least honors, and most were AP/Magnet classes. But, since I took so many, the majority of them are weighted on the 4.0 scale, as only 8 can get 5.0 weighting for the C/W gpa. That actually drags me down, despite the fact that if I had the same ratio of As to Bs, but had only taken 9 total classes, my GPA would be 4.67. So I don’t know if they’ll take into account the weirdness associated with that.

Can you name the classes you took? You should probably check the A-G Approved course list. Basically the less classes you take the higher your UC GPA is. Since UC’s get so many apps its crucial to have a high UC GPA.

@scifan Yeah I agree like a 3.7 and a 3.8 are pretty similar to one another as its difference of 1 or 2 b’s

@Plumbus Yeah, the UC GPA puts you at a disadvantage for taking MORE classes. Crazy, huh? But anyway, they’ll definitely take the number of classes you took into account. Rigor is one of the most important factors considered by UC’s, and that’ll definitely play to your advantage. Cal and LA, the two most competitive ones, also look primarily at uncapped GPAs, which works to your advantage as well. Your C/W is likely sufficient for all the other UC’s. Good luck!

@Sterny16 yeah. uc gpa is def important but i think UCs would rather see someone who took 8 APs with a 4.1 UC GPA, than someone who took 2 APs with a 4.3 UC GPA.

@sterny16 I talked with a representative from the school, pretty much all of the ones I took were UC-approved honors things, they know how my school works. It just seems really weird to me that they would design a system that penalizes people for taking more classes; if I had gotten straight As then I would have a 4.25

@scifan I am pretty sure it is impossible to have a 4.3 UC GPA lol especially with 4 APs.

Plumbus don’t worry did you get most of your B’s in sophomore year? My cousin got 4B’s Sophomore year, but got straight A’s junior year and had a huge upward trend and got into UCLA.

Her grades were the following:
10 S1: A, A, A, B,B,B S2: A,A,A,A,A,B
11th Summer A,A,A,A
11th: S1: A,A,A,A,A,A S2: A,A,A,A,A,A

UC’s love upward trend.
She went from getting 3 B’s to one B to getting 16 A’s in arrow.

@Sterny16 Haha it’s actually definitely possible, and a lot of people do that. At my school, you can take eight classes a year. Say you take 2 APs each in 10/11 grades; that’s 4 total. Get straight A’s and you’ve got yourself a 4.25 UC GPA.

@scifan wow you’re right lol… cheaters hehe. I would rather have someone who has a 4.1ish but taken more than the maximum required AP classes needed.

Also- wouldn’t it be 1 AP in 10/11 grade (2 semesters worth for 10th 2 semesters worth for 11th)

@scifan @sterny16 Yeah, my grades specifically were 12 As, 4 B’s Sophomore year and 13 As 3 B’s junior year, and I had much higher course rigor in junior year. I also took econ at UCLA over the summer and got an A, and did an internship there if that helps my chances. This whole system just seems weird to me, but I guess it works out alright; Berkeley takes like 15 people from my school each year out of like 50 that apply lol.

@Sterny16 Hahah exactly

@Plumbus I think you’re gonna be fine haha. Don’t bank on Cal and LA bc they’re really unpredictable, but I think you can definitely get into the others.