Chance Please? Will Chance Back!

Besides, you got into UMish, I would perfect to go to UMish over Cal.

I would say that the things that are gonna hurt you the most are 1. You’re OOS for UCs which doesn’t help, and 2. You’re applying for CS which is the most popular major right now; literally everyone wants to do it haha

@sterny16 I’m looking pretty specifically at computer science though, although maybe BME. Also, I cannot reiterate enough how much I love california, so I’d definitely go to Cal over mich.

@scifan By others, what do you mean? I only applied to LA and berkeley.

@Plumbus I think he mean’t other schools on your list. I love having the UC system here in california. You have the 3 super good UCs and then the okay ones and them the safety. Basically you have your Reach-High Matches, Match, and Safety schools in one quick application.

@Plumbus Oh oops, I didn’t see that. My bad; I was referring to other UC’s like UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB (which are also excellent). Curious why didn’t you apply to some other UC’s?

@sterny16 ah. Also, what about Cal didn’t you like? While the people seem a little… intense, it’s in a beautiful place, with top programs

@scifan I wasn’t likely to attend if I got in, If I got into something like UCSD or UCSB I’d go to Umaryland over both of them, for a third of the price, so I didn’t really think applying there was even worth the 70$.

@Plumbus I just didn’t like Berkeley that much, compared to the other top Cali schools (SD, LA, and SLO). I really liked SD, LA, and SLO location better.

@Plumbus Ah I see. Makes sense. UCSD’s Jacobs School is really good though - very very good.

California has a pretty general ranking of state schools. Atleast this is how most teachers and students view the schools in terms of prestige:

Cal, UCLA, UCSD, SLO (and UCSF for grad students) are all like top tier
UCI, UCSB, UCD, are like 2nd tier
UCSC, UCM, UCR, and most Cal State schools are like 3rd tier.

@Sterny16 Yeah that sums it up pretty well. I would also say it depends on what you’re studying; for example, Davis is definitely top-tier in biology, and UCSB is great for physics.

@scifan @sterny16 I’m not sure if either of you can see this link, but here is my school’s acceptance data for Cal, if that helps to calibrate at all.

I know I’m in kind of a weird spot, but thats with my gpa with freshman year, I bump up closer to that big green group when you drop freshman year.

@Plumbus Haha we cant see that, it’s your Naviance. yeah, it’s weird. the avg. gpa for cal from my school is 4.28 but i have a 4.41; however, that’s w/ freshman year. not sure how to interpret haha

Yeah i can’t see your schools naviance, page I can only see my personal schools page, feel free to post a screenshot though.

@scifan @sterny16 this won’t let me paste URLs, but im gur . com /a/Hkkcg (Just remove those spaces lol)

There, that should fix it. Wasn’t sure how naviance did their individual images, I tried to extract the graph from everything else.

@Plumbus think the link got censored haha

@scifan Fixed?

@Plumbus got it. so you’re looking at UW, i’m assuming. how do you stack up for weighted?

It doesn’t let me switch to weighted, but I’m in a similar position for weighted, I think, if not a little higher.

Weighted doesn’t really mean much.
Thats a HIGH SAT score. The average for Cal in California is like a 32 ACT.