Chance Please? Will Chance Back!

hope I’m not too late to the party but here are my honest thoughts…

University of Maryland - Accept
UC Berkeley - Accept
UCLA - Accept
Washington University in St. Louis - Accept
Georgia Tech - Accept
Columbia University - waitlist
Harvey Mudd College - Accept
Cornell University - Accept
Carnegie Mellon University (Applied to school of CS) - Reject (their CS school is crazy competitive)
Johns Hopkins University (Applied to BME Program) - Reject (BME is also crazy competitive if i remember right)
USC - Don’t know enough about this school
Princeton University - 50/50 on this one… waitlist?
Stanford University - Reject (stanford’s damn hard)

You’re a very strong applicant and will get into at least one or two of the more competitive schools on your list.

@bioboi thanks, that’s what I was hoping for by applying to a bunch of those, admittedly, crazy competitive places… hopefully luck will go my way on one or two of them.