chance plz for UCI/UCLA/UCSD

<p>I'm really worried b/c of my one C but plz chance
Currently a Junior/grad yr 2010…second semester grades are speculated
chance for UCI/UCLA/UCSD & any other colleges you suggest
im instate-CA</p>

<p>UC GPA: W 4.28 UN idk </p>

<p>Test Scores:
SAT: 1920 going to retake
PSAT: 202
Human Geo: 3
US Govt: 3
European History: 4</p>

<p>Community Service:
Volunteer at Topaz Elementary Summer School graders: 68 hrs.
Volunteer at Hospital: 100+ hrs. </p>

<p>Honors & Awards:
AP Scholar
Orange County History Day Finalist </p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities: </p>

<p>•Wildlife Conservation Club Member (10th/11th)
•Science Club Member (11th)
•ARCHES Club Member (11th)
•HOSA Competition (11th)
•PREPP Member (11th)
•CSF (9th/10th)</p>

<p>Will that C this year hurt me badly??? I really atleast want to get into UCI, with a pre-med/bio major. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>The C will definitely sting…but going back to an A in Calc…that will help too.</p>

<p>UCSD/UCI - match
UCLA - reach (maybe since a lot of people in CA like to apply to UCLA and CAL so they have a more diverse pool of applicants)</p>

<p>Ok thanks. Do you think doing anything else will help bring my chances up? like over the summer?</p>

<p>bump worried…
has anyone gotten into UCI with a C junior year?</p>