Chance two twins ?

<p>My brother and I both want to go to the same college, and well...were wondering what our chances were. We're identical twins.</p>

<p>Sex: Male
Race: Biracial "50% white, 50% hispanic"
School: Public, top state school according to USA news world report.
State: Maryland</p>

<p>We both have taken the highest courses we can, except Nathan took Honors World History instead of AP.</p>

Class Rank: 4 | 441
ACT: 33
UW GPA: 3.98
Intended Major: Computer Science</p>

<p>AP Biology: 5
AP Music Theory: 4
AP World History: 5</p>

<p>AP English Lang: This May
AP Calc AB: This May
AP Chemistry: This May
AP Computer Science: This May
AP US History: This May</p>

<p>AP US Govt: Next May
AP Macroeconomics: Next May
AP Spanish Lang: Next May
AP Physics: Next May
AP Calculus BC: Next May
AP Art History: Next May</p>

<p>Tech Honor Society: 10,11,12
NHS: 10,11,12
MtG and DnD Club: 9,10,11,12 -- founders
Student Council: 9,10,11,12
Band & Orchestra: 9,10,11,12
Computer Bowl: 10,11,12
Math Team: 10,11,12
Cross Country: 9,10,11,12
Indoor Track: 9,10,11,12
Track and Field: 9,10,11,12
AAI Volunteering: 9,10,11,12</p>


Class Rank: 12 | 441
Sat 2320
UW GPA: 3.9
Intended Major: Computer Science
AP Biology: 5
AP Studio Art: 4</p>

<p>AP US History: This May
AP English Lang: This May
AP Calculus AB: This May
AP Chemistry: This May
AP Computer Science: This May</p>

<p>AP US Govt: Next May
AP Macroeconomics: Next May
AP Spanish Lang: Next May
AP Physics: Next May
AP Calculus BC: Next May
AP Environmental Science: Next May</p>

<p>Art Honor Society: 10,11,12
Tech Honor Society: 10,11,12
NHS: 10,11,12
MtG and DnD Club: 9,10,11,12 -- founders
Computer Bowl: 11,12
Math Team: 10,11
JV Lacrosse: 9,10
V Lacrosse: 11,12
Cross Country: 9,10,11,12
Indoor Track: 9,10,11,12
Class Council: 9,10,11,12
AAI Volunteering: 9,10,11,12</p>



Cornell --- uncle's Alma mater
Carnegie Melon
University of Maryland: CP
University of Illinois—​Urbana-​Champaign
Johns Hopkins --- parent's Alma mater....and related to Johns Hopkins on the family tree if that helps lol
UNC: Chapel Hill
Georgia Tech
Virginia Tech

<p>Nice stats. Any leadership qualities for EC
MIT- reach for both
CMU- high match for both
Georgetown- low reach for both
Maryland- match for both
UIUC- match for both
JHU- high match because of legacy, don’t know if that helps
GTech- match for both
VTech- match for both
chance me please
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Strong academic side, but unless I’m missing something, really typical ECs.</p>

<p>Since you have similar stats I’m going to chance you together. I don’t know about all the schools so I’ll just include schools I know about.</p>

<p>MIT: Reach
Cornell: Reach, applying ED improves chances. Uncles alma mater doesn’t matter.
Carnegie Melon: Reach, depends which major you want. maths & sciences especially difficult
Georgetown: Applying early helps. its a realistic reach.
Johns Hopkins: realistic reach
UNC: Depends if you’re OOS or not. In state its a match. Super hard to get into OOS.</p>

<p>You two really need to include more match and safety schools. You’re both great students but you can’t count on being accepted to top universities because there’s no guarantee. Also, look into doing some more community service. Maybe a habitat for humanity summer program? Helping out at a local school? As the previous poster mentioned, you have really typical ECs and they all seem to be related to your school. Branch out a bit to make yourselves more well-rounded.</p>

<p>Look into:
UCLA/UCB/UCSB/UCSD (first two are reaches, second two match)
USC (Match)
UMich (Match)
Indiana (Safety! Kelley is a great business school. Apply here EA and you’ll hear soon after. I think you’ll 100% be accepted)
NYU (Match! Stern is a great business school, great engineering program)
Boston College (Match!)
Tufts (match!)
WashU (low reach if you apply ED)
Duke (Again, applying ED helps chances. Still a reach)</p>