<p>My brother and I both want to go to the same college, and well...were wondering what our chances were. We're identical twins.</p>
<p>Sex: Male
Race: Biracial "50% white, 50% hispanic"
School: Public, top state school according to USA news world report.
State: Maryland</p>
<p>We both have taken the highest courses we can, except Nathan took Honors World History instead of AP.</p>
Class Rank: 4 | 441
ACT: 33
UW GPA: 3.98
Intended Major: Computer Science</p>
<p>AP Biology: 5
AP Music Theory: 4
AP World History: 5</p>
<p>AP English Lang: This May
AP Calc AB: This May
AP Chemistry: This May
AP Computer Science: This May
AP US History: This May</p>
<p>AP US Govt: Next May
AP Macroeconomics: Next May
AP Spanish Lang: Next May
AP Physics: Next May
AP Calculus BC: Next May
AP Art History: Next May</p>
<p>Tech Honor Society: 10,11,12
NHS: 10,11,12
MtG and DnD Club: 9,10,11,12 -- founders
Student Council: 9,10,11,12
Band & Orchestra: 9,10,11,12
Computer Bowl: 10,11,12
Math Team: 10,11,12
Cross Country: 9,10,11,12
Indoor Track: 9,10,11,12
Track and Field: 9,10,11,12
AAI Volunteering: 9,10,11,12</p>
Class Rank: 12 | 441
Sat 2320
UW GPA: 3.9
Intended Major: Computer Science
AP Biology: 5
AP Studio Art: 4</p>
<p>AP US History: This May
AP English Lang: This May
AP Calculus AB: This May
AP Chemistry: This May
AP Computer Science: This May</p>
<p>AP US Govt: Next May
AP Macroeconomics: Next May
AP Spanish Lang: Next May
AP Physics: Next May
AP Calculus BC: Next May
AP Environmental Science: Next May</p>
<p>Art Honor Society: 10,11,12
Tech Honor Society: 10,11,12
NHS: 10,11,12
MtG and DnD Club: 9,10,11,12 -- founders
Computer Bowl: 11,12
Math Team: 10,11
JV Lacrosse: 9,10
V Lacrosse: 11,12
Cross Country: 9,10,11,12
Indoor Track: 9,10,11,12
Class Council: 9,10,11,12
AAI Volunteering: 9,10,11,12</p>
Cornell --- uncle's Alma mater
Carnegie Melon
University of Maryland: CP
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign
Johns Hopkins --- parent's Alma mater....and related to Johns Hopkins on the family tree if that helps lol
UNC: Chapel Hill
Georgia Tech
Virginia Tech