
Please do your research. When applying to USMA, you aren’t just applying to a college. You will become a member of the US Army. Make sure you want to be a soldier. The mission of our service academies is to train officers to lead in our military.</p>

<p>“I got an LOA to West Point a couple weeks ago with 24’s in the ACT”</p>

<p>That is definitely not the norm. This is a recent class profile:
[USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Class Profile: 2008](<a href=“]USMA”></p>

<p>Mom: Please understand, the kids are doing their research by asking questions on this forum.</p>

<p>Zairair - USNAMom2012 has a good point. I don’t generally get involved in “chances” threads because I see it as an excercise in futility.
The USMA admissions website is very comprehensive and full of excellent and accurate information. One of the hazards of kids doing “research” on these forums is they are not as apt to go to the Official source.
For help in finding it:
Go here [United</a> States Military Academy at West Point](<a href=“]United”> and click on the admissions link on the left hand side of the screen.</p>