
<p>3.65 gpa (weighted)
sat v: 730 m: 680 w:710</p>

<p>hamilton was my favorite school, i'm out of state from Northern Virginia
white, female</p>

<p>varsity athlete in two sports since 10th grade</p>

<p>5 APs senior year, 3 junior year, 1 sophomore year</p>

<p>i write excellent essays, I'm a great writer and my writing sample piece is fantastic</p>

<p>hows it look?</p>

<p>Your GPA is low for Hamilton. Your test scores seem good, though.
I’d say it’s a pretty reachy school for you. With Hamilton, it isn’t all grades and test scores, though. Do you have community service? Anything interesting?
I’d work your hardest this year to show them on your midyear… Write stellar essays, show interest in the school, interview, etc. Then you might have a better chance. Then again, there are a lot of people getting deferred this year apparently so Hamilton might be thinking of upping its standards a lot because of a better qualified/bigger applicant pool. No one’s quite sure yet.</p>

<p>Anyways, best of luck! I just mailed my EDII agreement in. =]</p>

<p>have a shot, you defiently need to visit though</p>

<p>I’ve visited! I’ve had minimal contact with a coach, I volunteer in the summers as a swim coach for 8 and under kids and as a counselor at a christian camp for middle schoolers</p>

<p>you have good test scores but i know that from my school, they haven’t accepted anyone with lower than a 4.0 weighted gpa.</p>

<p>sorrry its 3.5 instead of 4.0
you’re good!!!</p>

<p>plat21 - 3.5 weighted? For Hamilton? Really? O.o</p>

<p>Your numbers are certainly competitive, but you haven’t told us enough.
How hard has your curriculm been relative to the hardest curriculum offered at your school? (9 APs looks pretty solid.) With respect to the AP courses in prior years, what were they and how did you do on the AP exams? Any SAT Subject Tests? What are your sports and what other ECs do you have? Do you have any sense of the teacher and GC recs you are getting? Are they merely good, or do they “sing”?
Finally, if it’s your favorite school, have you considered ED2?</p>

<p>id say too low gpa, i know two girls there who went to my HS last year, they were top ten kids with like 98 unweighted, one was saluedictorian the other was like number 11</p>

<p>Contact the coaches and convince them that they need your talent. Definitely visit the school.</p>

<p>Isn’t a interview required? Or rather they say you’ll be a distinct disadvantage in the application pool. I think you more or less have to visit if you want to convince them.</p>

<p>i had a 93.6 avg during my junior year and a cum. avg. of 91.8…
Traveled to Japan with the band twice, Performed for Pope Benedict XVI.
Invited, and traveled, to Berlin Model United Nations conference.
Lead of 3 school dramas and musicals.
Soon to be Eagle Scout.
Chair of the Young Republicans Club.
Senior Member of Student Government
Promoted to Head Lifeguard at my job.
Father went to Hamilton.</p>

<p>However, my gpa dropped this first trimester to an 87.8 which in my book is TERRIBLE!
I was out of the country for two weeks, in bed for two weeks sick, and busy with my other EC’s and school work and my grades suffered as you can see…</p>

<p>what do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>Oh and my interview went very well! and my dad graduated from Hamilton…</p>

<p>oh and my SATs were 640 in math, 630 in writing, and a 600 in critical reading</p>

<p>And all of my classes are IB (three of which are Higher Level IB)</p>

<p>whoah whoah…RTHowe91: hold up. Not cool to hijack someone else’s chance thread. </p>

<p>If you want to be chanced, make your own thread. Don’t use someone else’s.</p>

<p>ohh sorry? lol every other college has one chance thread that people post their stats on…didnt know this one was so “unique” madboy.</p>

<p>my sincerest apologies.</p>