
<p>I know that this is just another thread about chances for you guys, but I ask for a reason. Initially I had intended to apply to the B-School for BIT, but after talking to some students, I realize that its not quite what I want, and that at VT I'd be happier with CS. Well, CS is part of the College of Engineering, which means taking General Engineering freshman year. What sort of difficulty is the freshman engineering program?</p>

<p>State: New Jersey
School: ( ~675 students, single gender college prep school)
GPA: 90.16 (/100 unweighted) many honors classes
Rank: no rank, but somewhere in upper 20%
SAT: Math: 650 Reading: 660 Writing: 570 taking it again in October
ECs: Student Television for four years, Student paper for four years, Math club for two years, 3 sport varsity athlete for 3 years ( not planning on competing at Tech ), I have summer work experience in a machine shop, a member of the Spanish National Honor Society, Yearbook for 2 years. some other small stuff I won't bore you with...
Essays: Not sure which to personal statements to do, looking at #1,#4, and #6, do they help?
Intended Major - General Engineering --> Computer Science</p>

<p>Do I stand a chance of getting in? What about aid?</p>