Chances and Advice

<p>I am a junior this year and was wondering what my chances are and how I could improve.</p>

<p>SAT: 780 CR, 730 M, 780 W( Single Test)- 2290
Rank: 1/800~( Along with 40-50 others)
GPA : UW: 3.7ish
W: 4.5
All honors or AP</p>

<p>EC( Questionable?)
Debate- Put a lot of time into this - Qualified for state, district competitions, numerous awards
JCL(Latin club)- Treasurer sophomore year
Technology Club(CoFounder/Prez)- Kind of a random club
Volunteering- 100+ Hours from various things</p>

Numerous debate awards, Bronze and Silver on National Latin Exam, Commended PSAT, Superintendent scholar 3 years.</p>

<p>Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Your test scores are great. Your gpa is about average, while your class rank is obviously good. However, your ec’s are a bit lacking. I’d say you have decent chances at Emory because of your grades and SATs, but it’s too tough to call because of your ec’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were to be accepted or if you were to be rejected.If your essays and recs are good, you should have a good chance.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>