Chances at Brown/Columbia/NYU/Hampshire

<p>GPA: 4.2 weighted
Rank: Top 10%</p>

<p>PSAT Scores: 210 (hope to improve my math score which i bombed)</p>

<p>Potential Major: English/Creative Writing</p>


AP World History - 4</p>

AP Psychology
AP English 11
AP US History
AP Art History</p>

<p>Next Year:
AP English 12
AP Calc AB
AP European History
AP Government
AP Macroeconomics</p>

<p>Predicting National AP Scholar.</p>


<p>Newspaper (10,11)
Will be editor in-chief next year.</p>

<p>Varsity Girls Tennis:
Will be captain next year.</p>

<p>JV Golf:

<p>Brain Bowl Team:


<p>Young Democrats Club
Done like 50 hours community service with them.</p>

<p>I've taken all G/T even though I'm horrible at math and the classes are much harder with no extra weight.</p>

Published in school lit magazine.
Student of the Week (character award) all 3 years.
Honor Roll.
Jobs: Bruster's Ice Cream, China Cook, Tutoring 3 times a week.
Have my own ebay buisness.
Perfect Score on FCAT writing. (99.5% percentile in the state)</p>

<p>Obviously I have writing samples. Short stories, screenplay, hopefully a novel by the time I apply.</p>

<p>Chances at Brown, Columbia (reaches, I know), NYU, and Hampshire.</p>

<p>Hampshire you'll probably get in, NYU is harder to predict, but I wouldn't bet against you.</p>

<p>For Brown and need more extracurriculars. The ebay business means very little, and besides that, your 'big thing' seems to be Editor-in-Chief of the paper. You're probably a very good writer, so I'd focus on building those credentials more...maybe try to get an internship at a reputed publication over the summer. You seem to like New York, so maybe shoot for something there? I don't know how possible that is. Young Democrats doesnt mean a whole lot (neither does NHS or BrainBowl/AcChal/QuizBowl/anycombination). Your scores and grades are definitely there, though!</p>

<p>Btw, National AP Scholar won't kick in until after senior year (at which time, it's worthless for college apps)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>You are going to be rejected everywhere for being in the Young Democrats Club. Now if you were in the Young Republicans Club, you would be in everywhere :)</p>

<p>babandy those posts are considered spam, also raise SAT scores, more involvement in clubs</p>

<p>Um.... I thought people could tell my blatant use of a smiley at the end was to denote that I was not, in fact, serious. I think some people need to lighten up.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I know I need to build my rep as a "writing/english person" in my EC's but I don't know what else there is. I was thinking of editing the literary magazine next year but as far as internships go... I'm totally lost. Can someone tell me how one goes about getting an internship? </p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>