Chances at Duke?

<p>Okay, quick stats:</p>

Rising senior (from Georgia)
African-American female
4.0 (out of 4.0) unweighted/4.1 weighted
1830 for my first time on the SAT, 1910 2nd
(I figure with the intense studying I've been doing the past few months I'll land in the 2000s in October!)
29 ACT (Retake in Sept...maybe)
I've taken 6 out of the 7 APs offered at my school (the rest of my classes were Honors)
Rank: 1/156</p>

Varsity XC/Track & Field teams since freshman year
Student body VP since freshman year
Member of: FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America; VP), Key Club (President), Spanish Club, National Honor Society (VP), Senior Beta, Principal's Advisory Council, Library Improvement Council, & Science Club (I'm also chartering my own club again this year:))
I'm also a state officer for Georgia FBLA (had to throw that in;))</p>

I've won about 6 essay contests (state and local though I'm working towards a national level senior year); was selected to participate in a prestigious high school program in Georgia known as Governor's Honors; am attending the Seminar for African-American Scholars at Notre Dame in July; am attending the College Admissions Conference at Yale in June;...I'm having a brain freeze. Oh yeah, I'm also a first gen. college student :)</p>

<p>So where do I stand? Is there anything else I can improve on besides test scores? & if anybody has any questions about anything on this list, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask!</p>

<p>if you get your SATs up, you have a very good shot at Duke. are you thinking of applying ED?</p>

<p>Very good shot xD
Just bring your scores up.
And don’t you need subject tests for Duke?</p>

<p>@hardlyworking: Lmao, this may sound really weird (crazy even) but I was only considering applying ED if I was almost certain I would get in…which is why I consulted opinions from the people of CC…I knew they’d be brutally honest;)</p>

<p>@Mrluggs: Yes, TWO. And to my dismay, I will be taking Subject Tests in U.S. History & Lit…thanks for reminding me! I knew I’d left something out of the post…</p>