Chances at Dwight Look College of Engineering?

<p>New user here, and this is my first post on CC. So for the grammar beforehand, so please no negative feedback. Please excuse my first post, as it might be inadequate and amateur. I'm currently an in-state Junior. To start off, my first choice of college would be UT Austin, while my second is Texas A&M. Feel free to provide input on which would be the better choice. Despite feeling set on majoring in Petroleum Engineering, I am questioning whether to switch to Mechanical, due to the risky nature of PE. With this in mind, would you guys mind openly chance me into the ME and PE program at either UT or A&M, if not possibly both? In addition would you consider it to be feasible for me to accepted into either Purdue or UMich for mechanical engineering, if at all worth the extra out of state tuition? Thanks ahead of time guys.</p>

<p>P.S: I am not exactly what sure what stats or information to provide, as I am unfamiliar with the nature of college confidential, so please work with what I have provided. Is it unappealing or will it severely hurt my admission chances to quit orchestra my senior year? I am also paranoid my lack of extra curricular. </p>

<p>Class Rank: 10/607 (Top 2%); GPA: 98.97
Science Technology Engineering Math Academy
*despite being crucial information, I have not taken the SAT or ACT yet, so I have no stats to provide in that department.</p>

<p>Relevant Courses:</p>

<p>• Introduction to Engineering Design
• Principles of Engineering
• PreAP Physics, PreAP Biology
• PreAP Geometry, PreAP Algebra 2
• AP Human Geography, AP World History
• PreAP English 1, PreAP English 2
• Computer Integrated Engineering
• Precalculus PreAP
• Chemistry PreAP
• AP US History
• AP English Language and Composition
• Dual Credit Courses
• 4 years of Spanish</p>

<p>Expected Senior Year Courses:</p>

<p>• Engineering Design and Problem Solving
• AP Chemistry
• AP Econ/Gov
• AP Calculus BC
• AP English 4 (Literature and Composition)
• Dual Credit Courses
• PIP (professional internship program; interview process required)
• Peer Helpers (nominated by student body and selected through interview process)</p>

<p>• National Honor Society, member and volunteer (2011-) [48 volunteer hours through various projects]
• PIP (professional internship program), hopefully receiving a petroleum engineering internship senior year
• Summer Internship; receiving either mechanical or petroleum engineering, most likely only a shadowing internship
• Orchestra; section leader (2011-)
• Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society), member (2011-)
• Key Club, member and volunteer (2011-)
• Association of Medical Students, member (2011-)
• Peer Helpers; trained and selected to mentor and aid troubled elementary students through visits
• Chua Dao Quang (Buddhist Temple), student (2006-)</p>

<p>If you apply early, you have an excellent chance of being accepted since you are in the Top 10% of your class! And that is at either school, I would say.
Also, for either UT or A&M, you may want to take AP Physics AB, if not AP Physics BC, if you plan to major in Engineering. </p>

<p>Would you recommend ap physics or ap chemistry for petroleum engineering? I ultimately chose ap chemistry bc it would provide me with college credit, whereas ap physics ab/bc would not. </p>

<p>There is no guarantee for engineering at UT no matter what your stats are. If you apply early to A&M you will get engineering based upon your stats but test scores are needed to provide more accurate feedback.</p>

<p>The reason I suggested AP Physics is solely because, at A&M, you take two Physics classes your freshman year and only 1 Chemistry, no matter the discipline. And I thought you could get college credit for either. Maybe I am wrong, however.</p>

<p>Seriously, if you can AP out of PHYS 218 and PHYS 208 DO IT.</p>

<p>Those classes are killer, especially coming from high school</p>

<p>I seriously recommend you wait till your spring semester to take PHYS 218 and taking PHYS 208 at a community college.</p>

<p>Man I’m taking physics right now at a community college and Im doing just fine. I kind of wish I was taking it at A&M so I could see what all the hype is about.</p>

<p>Asian and proud --My older engineering student at A&M would absolutely agree with you on PHYS 208 She did suggest my younger daughter take PHYS 218 at A&M because she felt it was a critical building block for future engineering classes. Would you agree?</p>

<p>OP based on my S’s high school history I think you have an excellent chance at UT and at TAMU if you apply early. I would agree that having some background in physics is very even if you take AP physics without calc senior year it will be helpful. Not so much to earn the credit but to be better prepared for the course. I have heard lots about how difficult phys 208 and 218 are at TAMU but that isn’t every student’s experience. I have mentioned this so many times you would think they would pay me a commission but my S found A+ tutoring really helpful for those 2 courses. </p>

<p>I just had the mindset that taking AP Chemistry will be more challenging and impressive to colleges than Physics B. So would you guys recommend taking AP Physics instead of AP Chemistry, despite the fact that I will not receive credit for AP Physics? This is due to the fact that I took PreAP Physics freshman year, so I can not take the highest level of Physics (C) because of having to skip a course of Physics. </p>

<p>I don’t know anything about course requirements for PE but I think for MechE your Chem requirement will be met if if you get a good enough score on the AP test. (That is the case for Civil and I think that ME and Civil have about the same entry requirements). If you take Physics you are likely to be better prepared for the college class but you will have to take it in college. I guess it would be a question of which is more important to you and how strong you are in those subjects. I don’t know which would be more impressive, I wouldn’t think that would make a whole lot of difference but then I don’t make these decisions. FWIW S got into UT Civil with AP Physics and no AP Chem. For TAMU top 10% it is all about applying early and unless things have changed it won’t make a difference from an admissions standpoint which class you take.</p>