Chances at Dwight Look

<p>I'm posting my general resume here on CC to the colleges I'm interested in because I really want to know how I compare to others and the college standard. For starters I come from a highly competitive, christian, private high school out of state, and am interested in petroleum engineering starting in the 2014 school year (I'm going to be a senior next year). So here we go:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 unweighted, 3.8 weighted (this could be very wrong because I've been told this is a very bad weighted GPA score...)
12th grade- AP Calc AB (possibly BC), AP Language, AP Physics, Economics (Possibly Ap Gov), No language this year, Intermediate guitar II and theology classes
11th Grade- Trig/Pre Calc, AP European History (got a 3), Latin Vergil, AP Chemistry (5), AP Chemistry Lab, American Experience, Study Hall and theology classes
10th Grade Algebra II, Composition, Pre-AP Chemistry, US History III/IV, Latin II, Intermediate Guitar, and theology classes
9th Grade- Psh I forgot</p>

Regular Member of Student Council, Kairos (Christian Retreat- participant one year and leader the next), Varsity Cross Country (11th and 12th Grade - State championship participant), Varsity Track (11th and probably 12th Grade), Augustian Youth Ministry (Member where we participate in school-ran mission trips to places affected by natural disasters, etc.), Debate and speech, Latin Club, Rugby (Played lock and got my butt kicked), Ultimate Frisbee (Participated in the first year of the club where it was student lead and will be leading it next year), and Guitar Club (Lead player in instrumental concerts). </p>

Lifetime Fitness- I currently work as a Lifeguard (lifeguarding, obviously, apply first aid, and general maintenance), a swim-instructor and a supervisor.
Wedgewood Pool- a dinky little neighborhood pool where I lifeguard (2nd year) and run occasionaly. </p>

<p>Community Service:
Routine Food Bank volunteer and Little Lighthouse volunteer (a school for people with hendicaps such as austim and down syndrome- I participated in a monthlong project where I would come daily and volunteer). </p>

Been playing guitar for the past 5 years and have been improving my skills via school and lessons and am certified in Lifeguarding, First aid, CPR, AED and WSI.</p>

<p>Academic Achievements:
National Honor Society- will be my second year in the chapter
National Student Leadership Conference- been invitied every year via nomination from the school staff, but cannot attend due to finances
Gold and Silver Honor rolls along with Outstanding Achievements in Math and Science related classes.
(My grade has about 100 students in it, so due to the small grade size and competitiveness my school doesn't rank individuals.)</p>

<p>Standardized Test scores;
ACT- I've taken it twice and unfortunately I've gotten 27 both times (English 25, Math 28, Reading 25 and Science 29) (English 27, Math 32, Reading 23 and Science 26). I don't know if colleges look at the individual scores of of the subjects, but it's obvious that english related subjects are holding my scores back. Heck, I already passed the College-Ready mark for calculus and I'm not even into my senior year...
SAT- 1820 but I'm not sure what my individual scores are. I've onyl taken it once and I need to take it again before college transcript time.
AP- (Already said before) Chemistry 5 and European History 3</p>

<p>I have great recommendation letters from my Department Head at Lifetime, my English teacher of 2 years (who is also a leader at Kairos) and my Math teacher of 3 years. I swear I am a good, well rounded kid (if that doesn't sound narcissistic) and I'm aware that my ACT/SAT scores need to be raised if I need a good shot, but I don't think they accurately reflect me. I'm going to be registering for practically all of the rest of the ACT/SAT tests until the end of the year to raise them up. I'm going to be visiting A&M here in a couple of weeks to get some air under my wings and get my foot in the door. So what do you think? Honest answers are very appreciated. Thanks for everything CC.</p>

<p>Check out the admissions page. If you could have provided your class rank in %, then you would get a better idea. Automatic admission is be in top 10% or be in top 25% and meet certain criteria on your SAT or ACT scores. </p>

<p>[Ways</a> to be Admitted](<a href=“]Ways”></p>

<p>From what you have listed I’d say you have a pretty decent shot. Your ACT score is good and you can definitely get into Dwight Look with that. I think mine was right around that and I got in. National Honor Society is going to look good as well. </p>

<p>I guess you’d have to contact TAMU and see what they want you to do since your school does not rank individuals.</p>