chances at harvard?

<p>I'm an Asian and I came here three years ago.
I'm a sophmore at a high school in VA.
I'm really dipressed about my grades,</p>

<p>9th grade
Chorus A
World History I A
Geometry Honors A
English 9 A
Biology A
Spanish 1 A</p>

<p>10th grade (I just found out on the last day of school)
Chorus A
Spanish 2 B+
English 10 honors B+
Algebra 2 Honors B+
Chemistry Honors B+
AP World History A</p>

<p>How bad is this?
And Will it be still bad even if I get a Straight As in my junior year with 3 APs?
I want to apply for Johns Hopkins, MIT, and possibly an Ivy.
What are my chances.
P.S. I have pretty good SAT score... (on the practice ones of course)</p>

<p>I do lots of extracurricular activies...(for only three years)</p>

<p>Please be honest.
Thank you so much</p>

<p>Try to relax, have some fun. Take courses that interest you. Challenge yourself, but don't over do it. It's way too soon to worry about the effects on a college application. Harvard, JH, or MIT are not the end of the world. There are tons of other great schools and you are on a good track to be accepted at most of them. When it comes to the Ivies, no one really knows what will or won't affect your chances.</p>

<p>i think colleges look at to see if u if u do really well junior yerar and the begining of senior year..u have a decent shot if your SAT scors EC and essay are excellent...good luck</p>