I want to know how good my chances are at getting into an ivy league or any of the top schools in the U.S and am currently a highschool junior. My dream is to get into one of these schools and im constantly being told that im not good enough and will never get accepted.</p>
<p>btw I go to a school with no sports</p>
I have taken 6 ap classes so far (1 sophomore year and 5 junior year) and 3 honors classes and have received A's in all my classes. Next year I also plan to take 5 AP classes.I have a 4.4 cumulative gpa</p>
secretary at engineering company- 4 years
piano lessons-2 years
youth group-2 years
private tutoring- 2 years
keyclub-3 years
interact-2 years
international club-2 years
CSF-3 years
i am historian for one of these clubs
I took an Arabic class at a community college and took PreCalculus over the summer
I have around 250 community service hours, but plan on increasing them over the next year
i am applying for a job at Kumon
Going to start volunteering at a hospital
I got a full scholarship to a Stem Cell summer program at UCLA</p>
<p>Test scores:
SAT chemistry subject test: 770
SAT U.S history subject test: 760
taking the SAT this month and hoping for a 2200+</p>
<p>please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions
<p>One thing I forgot to mention is that I am starting an MSA next year and plan to be president</p>
<p>I’m not judging, but the ivy league sounds sort of distant…
then again, what do I know? I’m just a silly softy.
There’s a lot of great UCs that you’d get into fersure!</p>
<p>what is your class rank? What is the track record of your school for people with similar level of grades, ECs etc?</p>
<p>Why are people telling you that you do not stand a chance.</p>
<p>my rank is 1 out of around 270
and there are numerous people from my school who have been accepted to ivy leagues like Columbia and Cornell and other schools like UCB and Princeton</p>
<p>You’ve got a pretty solid chance. Hopefully you have a couple awards to back up your talents and your SAT goes well. I’d say you have a really good shot at a school like Cornell, and a respectable chance at the higher level Ivies.</p>
<p>Princeton is Ivy League by the way.</p>
<p>Ivy league is a crapshoot for everyone. However, if you are number 1 in your class in a school that does send students regularly, there is no reason for someone to say you cant make it. But Ivy league acceptance rate along with Stanford and MIT is in single digits for most of them and your chance is probably about the same. You do need to ensure you do well in SAT and make very good use of your stem cell fellowship at UCLA (get a great recommendation from your advisor). Meanwhile talk to your guidance counselor to see which schools are a fit for you.</p>
<p>I agree with texaspg - don’t count on it, but you do have a palpable chance. If you are very determined, apply to a lot of top schools, as well as one or two tolerable upper mid-level ones. The more you apply to, the more chance you have to get in to one of the premier schools of the world. I wouldn’t get your heart set on one top-tier school, and if you do, write amazing essays and apply early if possible.</p>
<p>you seem like a standard Ivy applicant. I think you don’t really have a shot. Still apply though.</p>
<p>Also you don’t have varied ECs</p>
<p>You have filler ECs, and it is very hard to get 2200+ on your first try.</p>
<p>thanks everyone</p>
<p>btw i also attended the MIST competions for two years and won 2nd place in a competition
and went to the RYLA (rotary youth leadership awards) camp</p>
<p>@CalvinCoolidge - Not so sure about that. I didn’t break 2200, but it’s certainly possible. The first time my friend ever saw anything SAT-related, it was the day of the test, wasn’t feeling well, and managed to get better than a 2200. Granted, the guy is an autodidactic sponge for information, but who’s to say the OP isn’t as smart? Don’t shoot him down before he even tries.</p>
<p>If you get 2200+ on your SAT, then I don’t see why you wouldn’t get into an ivy league school. What else could you have done better? You are at the top of your class, you volunteer, and to me your E.C’s seem very good.</p>
<p>Well you haven’t done anything super notable like say, started your own successful company or authored a book or something very unique. Those examples are things I came up with off the top of my head. Good luck!</p>
<p>Also, it’s not that hard to get 2200+ because my friends each tried it for the first time as sophomores, got 2400’s.</p>
<p>@HiimCole - I know plenty of kids who got perfect or near-perfect on the ACT, SAT, or both and didn’t get into HYPSM or similar schools. I’d say you can get into at least one Ivy with 2200+ and good grades/EC’s though.</p>
<p>I feel like Cornell University would be a match for you, I would try to get an Internship and really stand out in your Leadership roles. Other then Ivy League, I would say NYU, Drexel, University of Notre Dame, USC, Lehigh University, and Georgia Tech.
Chance me back please!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania-2015/1169001-chance-wharton-help.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania-2015/1169001-chance-wharton-help.html</a></p>