Chances at Ivy Leagues?

<p>Alright guys, I wanted to know my chances of these schools. I would be applying to Wharton ED. If I don't get in...(hopefully that wont happen) I would be applying to Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, NYU Stern, UVA, Drexel(Safety) TCNJ(Safety) Rutgers (Safety) </p>

<p>SAT: 2200
GPA: 3.8 unweighted 4.0 weighted (All Honors and Ap's)
Small Public School in NJ I am Hispanic

<p>Participated in Princeton University's Math Comp 3 years
Participated in Harvard-MIT's Math Comp 3 years
Columbia Toy Drive 3 years- Passed out toys to kids in Harlem
Taught English to graduate students and visiting professors at Princeton University
Volunteered 50+ hours at my church.
FBLA Regional Winner 4 Years State Winner On a State Committee Attended a National Conference Chapter- Treasurer, President Elect, President
DECA- Regional Winner VP
Peer Leader
National Honor Society
Math Team
Debate Team
Editor of School Magazine
United Nations Student Alliance
Technology Student Association- VP 3 years State Winner<br>
Golf Team 3 years
Raised thousands of dollars for charities
Took open courses at MIT and YALE
Drexel Economics Camp and Startalk at Penn (Chinese)
Is there anything I could do to raise my chances?</p>

<p>SAT II scores?</p>

<p>Math 730
World History 740
United States History 710
I also volunteered at Penns Museum</p>

<p>Your stats are above average, compared to most Ivy admits. This being said, it’s a numbers game – and there are no assurances to any. Apply to your list.</p>

<p>Seeing that you’re considering Wharton – you might want to consider Cornell’s under grad business program in CALS also.</p>

<p>Ok! Thanks! How is Cornells financial aid?</p>

<p>Also what about UCHICAGO?</p>

<p>Wow, I like you since you have a similar list to me and similar plans, except I am interested in liberal arts in addition to econ/buisness/finance</p>

<p>I basically don’t know anything at all about chancing, but I do know that Uchicago places ALOT of emphasis on holisticness, and sat score/grades are less reliable when chancing. It is kinda hard to describe a student Uchicago tends to like, but look at their essay questions. If you are the kind of person who will get excited and can write a deep essay on play-doh and plato, then you would possible maybe be good fit for Uchicago.</p>

<p>None of the Ivies have Merit Aid. I think Cornell’s need-based is pretty good, but ask over at the Cornell forum, someone can give you more advice there.</p>