Chances at Ivy????

<p>I am very gifted in the area of art (drawing/painting). I have won numerous awards for it. </p>

<p>The only thing is my high school GPA is currently a 92% average. </p>

<p>Do I have any chance in an Ivy League College like Princeton if I show them my portfolio?</p>

<p>Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated</p>

<p>Thank You!!!</p>

<p>I’ll need to know more about you.</p>

<p>What are some things you need to know more about?</p>

<p>Class Rank, Course Load, Other EC’s, Volunteer Work</p>

<p>Well i’m only in 9th grade. I was just thinking a rough estimate that if i keep a say 90% average throughout high school.</p>

<p>PaperchaseAlex, I’m the father of two boys who have completed their college hunt. As an old guy, with a bit of experience, let me just say, with complete anonymous affection and humility, that it’s way, way too early for you to be thinking about this stuff. Go out and play with your friends, think about how you want to spend your time, direct your activities accordingly, and, most of all, relax.</p>

<p>You have a good two years yet before you need to worry.</p>

<p>No, a 90% is not good enough for the Ivy League, especially Princeton. Being a good artist is just one part of your EC’s, and it’s not even that unique. Your GPA and especially your SAT scores will count for much more.</p>

<p>Ok, thank you everyone for the useful info.</p>