Chances at Mcgill, UPenn, UVA, and Binghamton

<p>NY State Resident
Learning Disabilities- Aspergers(Autism) and ADHD- Could this help me with my admission?
Unweighted High School GPA: 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.0
SAT Scores
610 Math: I think I can increase it to 670 in June
670 Reading: I think I can make it above a 700
610 Writting Same score aim as math
Overall so far- 1890
AP Exam Scores- Probable Scores getting them back in July,
World History(Class was honors in 9th and 10th grade, self studied for exam in 11th) 5
US History 5
SAT Subject Test Scores
US History(Took it in the December before the AP exam, wasn't even up to 1824 in class when I took it) 800
World History 800
Taking ACT in June
Leadership Skills Club(President)- improves public speaking skills
Movie Club(Founder)- exposes students to older movies most kids would never see ( Rashumon, Dr. Strangelove)
Swim Team
Academic Team
Honor Society
Model Congress
Major : History
Top ten in New York state in National Geographic Bee back in 8th grade. </p>

<p>My College list
University of Pennsylvania- A higher score on the SAT and my learning disabilities could make it possible. Often Friendly to learning disabled students
College of William and Mary
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Geneseo
U of Maryland
American University
U of Delaware
SUNY New Pauls
SUNY Buffalo