Chances at northeastern

<p>I really need some honest opinions on if I can get into Northeastern University because it is my #1 choice</p>


<p>I have a 3 year culmulative GPA of 2.96, but in junior year alone, I got a 3.4 or 3.5 GPA. Although, I'm not in any AP or honors classes</p>

<p>I got a 27 composite on the ACT</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>By the end of senior year, I will have done 4 years of lacrosse, 4 years of wrestling and 3 years of football.</p>

<p>I have done the Midnight Run which is a community service organization and will have done it for 4 years at end of this school year.</p>

<p>I was a golf caddy at a country club in the summer before the school year started which I will say in my application</p>

<p>Well, i visited today and they gave us a whole lot of info. (Open House is tomorrow)
The guide was a business major and he told us that northeastern looks at your courseload (the harder the better i.e. AP/IB/HONORS courses and your WEIGHTED GPA. He said the range of WEIGHTED GPA was 3.6-4.1. He also said that if you have multiple jobs over the years then you are ranked higher.</p>

<p>EDIT: what are your SAT scores?</p>

<p>what if you had a job for the end of sophmore year, the entire junior year and the whole senior year (same throughout)?? also how much does freshman year count at northeastern?</p>

<p>hey everybody, I got into Northeastern University :)</p>

<p>See? You didn’t need to start all those threads. Congrats.</p>