Chances at Presidential or full ride scholarship

<p>CA resident</p>

<p>GPA weighted: 4.42
GPA Unweighted: 3.96
SAT: 2100</p>

<p>AP Classes: European History, Spanish 4, US History, AP Statistics, AP Government
IB classes: IB Spanish 5, IB English HL1, IB English HL2, IB History 21st century
A lot Honors courses</p>

<p>Top 1% of my class at a very competitive high school. (class rank ~6)</p>

4 years Mock Trial (2 years as an attorney, have competed at State-level competition)
4 years Interact Club (community service organization)
4 years volunteering with Relay for Life
2 years Young Democrats Club
1 year Cross Country, track (presidential honor role for maintaining 4.0 while in sports)</p>

<p>I am going to have very strong recommendations from my IB English and History teachers, as well as a recommendation from an Assistant District Attorney that I worked with through Mock Trial</p>

<p>I am double majoring in International Studies and Spanish</p>

<p>Big alumni relation (my Mom, Grandpa, great Grandpa, two uncles, and great uncle all attended)</p>

<p>Chances for the scholarships?</p>

<p>Anyone at all?</p>

<p>Hi mallen5938. My D will be a Freshman this fall at LUC. She too is from California and has very similar statistics as yours. Unweighted GPA 3.96 Weighted 4.5. SAT score 2150, 10 AP exams scoring 4&5’s on all of them, very involved in her JESUIT high school in all sorts of leadership, volunteer, and athletic roles. She received the Damen Scholarship ($11,000/yr) and then later a Directors Scholarship ($2,000/yr) was added. I spoke extensively with the Admissions representative (who no longer works at LUC) the summer before my daughters senior yr and he told me that the merits scholarships are based on GPA & SAT scores. I am pretty sure that if my D had gotten a 2200 on her SAT she would have received the next level of scholarship $ ($14,000/yr). I don’t want to discourage you but my feeling is that in order to get the full ride you need really high test scores.</p>

<p>The presidential scholarship requires an ACT of 29 or more I think. The full ride is not automatic. There are three different sets of full tuition scholarships: National Merit Finalist, Preaidential Achievement and Ignatian (Honors Program). The last 2 require application with essay (after being admitted) and interview on campus late march.
If you follow the link for financial aid at there is a page for all scholarships (or just do a search inbtheir web site)</p>

<p>Would a 34 ACT be a high enough score for the Presidential or the Ignatian ?</p>

<p>Flash00back: it would depend on your other stats. With a high GPA and activism in the community, then you have a good chance. My ACT was a 30 and I got the Loyola University scholarship for $13,000/year.</p>

<p>I did get the Presidential Merit on admission ($17,000/year).
I have a GPA of 4.0 un-weighted and 4.2 weighted. All my grades are A+.
ACT: 34
Peer Mentor/ Voluntary Teacher’s Assistant.
Student Union Committee member.
Would I stand a decent chance at getting the Presidential Achievement or the Ignatian Full tution ?</p>

<p>Flash00back: Congratulations! That’s awesome! I mean, your stats are way higher than the average Loyola student’s stats, so I think you have a really good chance at the Presidential Achievement, especially if you’re a strong writer. I think the people chosen to interview for the Ignatian scholarship have already been chosen. The website says they were notified on February 10th. If you were chosen, I expect you would do well.</p>

<p>Seattle1234 , I don’t think that they’ve notified people yet about the Ignatian. It says their application has to be submit by February 10th. ( I hope so.)</p>

<p>Ok-well, I was just going off what I saw on their website. Good luck!</p>

<p>I have just received my Honors Program Acceptance 3 days ago and they said they will start contacting finalists after March 1st so that they could come in for interviews. </p>

<p>By the way, Have you applied to the Honors Program ?</p>

<p>Just an update, I wasn’t a finalist in the Ignatian. I did the interview for the Presidential and I’m waiting for the decision.</p>

<p>Anybody know when the decisions for the Presidential are coming out ?</p>

<p>Anybody familiar with Pres. Achievement Scholarships? How many awarded?</p>

<p>Anybody?? How many Pres. Achievement Scholarships ( full ride) awarded each yr?