Chances at Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Emory, Tufts, John Hopkins?

<p>Hey guys! I'm Emma, I'll be a senior this year at a private school in West Virginia. Anyways I want to attend either Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Emory, Tufts or John Hopkins. So what are my chances? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted (my school doesn't do weighted)
Rank: 1/255</p>

<p>*Hardest classes taken at school.
*Will have a great essay and awesome recommendations.</p>

<p>Classes taken--
Freshman year- English 1, P.E (required), Intro to Chemistry & Physics, Algebra 2, Government Civics, Spanish 1, Earth Space Science</p>

<p>Sophomore year- World Civilization, Accounting 1, Geometry, Spanish 2, Honors English 2, Visual Art 1, Biology</p>

<p>Junior year- AP U.S. History, Humanities, Pre-Calculus, AP English 3, Visual Art 2, Spanish 3, Chemistry</p>

<p>& Senior year I'm taking these classes-- AP English 4, Specialized Art 3,
AP Calculus, AP Spanish, AP Biology (takes up 2 class periods), AP Government</p>

<p>TESTS-- ACT- 34
SAT 1- 2280
SAT Specialized Tests- 780-- U.S History 740--Physics 760--Biology
Math II c-- 780</p>

AP English 3- 5
AP US History-5</p>

*Helps conduct Brain Research at University of KY medical center.
*Founded a non-profit organization to benefit brain research.
*Volunteer regularly at the local food bank. (180 hours so far)
*High school academic team- (4 years)
*Played high school girls jv softball ( 1 year)
*Played high school girls varsity softball team (2 years)
*Played high school volleyball (3 years)
*Played high school track (1 year)
*Played high school basketball (1 year)
*Took piano for 9 years (still playing)
* Member of Y-Club (community service club) 4 years
*Member of Student Council--4 years
*Member of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America (4 years)</p>

*Brain Research article published in national science magazine.
*HOBY Ambassador (Hugh O'brian Youth Leadership)
*Selected to attend the Inagural Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute
*President of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) (4 years)
*President of Beta club-( 4 years)
*Member of the National Honor Roll (4 years)
*Youth Entrepreneurs Program President---program creates technological projects for community businesses.----(4 years)
*President of National Honors Society
*Class President (4 years)
*Attended KYA (Kentucky Youth Assembly)--3 years</p>

<p>I would say that you would definitely have as good a chance as other top applicants to Princeton, Penn, and Columbia. You could probably get into JHU, Emory, and Tufts no problem, but of course make sure you have some safeties and matches.</p>

<p>Thanks ineedsleep, anybody else???</p>

<p>Oh I forgot I've also participated in the Transylvania Computer Camp for 4 years and Transylvania Academic Camp for 3 years. I participated in the Women in Engineering Program at the University of Maryland last summer.</p>

<p>wow, makes me feel like ive been sleeping my way through high school. i would say that you have a very good chance at Tufts. my dad is a polisci professor there and since i am going to be a senior, (in HS) we are looking at my chances to get it. take it from me, tufts is no problem.</p>


<p>You've got an excellent chance with Emory. All your academic numbers are above average, with your SAT and ACT scores being beyond the 75th percentile of enrolled freshmen. You've challenged yourself with academic rigor, and your EC's look very solid.</p>

<p>Emory has a program called "Emory Scholars Program" which you should consider seriously. It offers one of the very best merit scholarship opportunities in the country, with merit awards ranging from partial tuition to full-ride at Emory. I have known students to have turned down Harvard, Yale and other Ivies to benefit from this opportunity -- and it wasn't necessarily a difficult decision. If you are interested, you will want to do some planning now and check with your H.S. Guidance counselor in the fall, when you return to school. Each H.S. is allowed up to 4 nominees -- and you will need to be nominated by your school. Go to the Emory discussion forum and/or check some of my earlier posts to get more info., as well as getting links direct to the Emory Scholars Program. It is a very competitive program, but the awards are worth the effort. (Unless you apply ED to Emory, consideration for this merit program would likely preclude ED applications to other schools.)</p>

<p>One other thing is that I noticed your involvement with brain research at UK Med Center. You might be interested to know that my daughter, who will be attending Emory this fall, chose Emory partly due to their interdisciplinary program in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. As well, they have a terrific research opportunities, including major research divisions in neuroscience and psychobiology. They have a leading national primates research center that has focused brain research studies, as well as having formed collaborative relationships with the nearby Centers for Disease Control.</p>

<p>If interested in Emory, contact Admissions and schedule an official tour/infomration session. You can also contact departments individually. I think you will find it has some intrigue for you. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks guys! But what do you think my chances are for Princeton, Columbia, Cornell and UPenn??</p>

<p>Emma, you have excellent chances everywhere, NOT just at Emory.</p>

<p>You would have even better chances, however, if you changed this...</p>

*Played high school volleyball (3 years)


<p> 4 years. Is there some reason why you are not going to continue Volleyball in your senior year? Colleges like to see people's commitment to sports and EC's. I think it would be wisest if you were to stick with Volleyball for one more year, as that would make you a much more well-rounded candidate for Princeton.</p>

<p>And if you apply ED to Princeton, Columbia, or UPenn, I'll be shocked if you didn't get in. Yes, stranger things have happened in the admissions process...but these colleges are standardly looking for students from more unusual places like West Virginia, and I'm sure they'll have tons of respect for your GPA, Class Rank, SAT scores, ACT scores, and your EC's.</p>

<p>Just write a great essay, get good recs (which I'm sure won't be a problem), and you'll likely get into everywhere you apply...though, nothing is garuanteed.</p>

<p>Thanks confused_student! I'm going to play volleyball my senior year, I started playing volleyball when I was a sophomore that's why it's three years. I played basketball my freshman year then switched to volleyball.</p>

<p>If you end up going to Tufts you won't have to pay the tuition :)</p>

<p>Pretty good shot at JHU, Tufts, Emory. Others will be reaches, but nothing in the stratosphere. Remember, for the entire list that you have here, show yourself and your unique qualities!</p>

<p>WOW okay so you are pretty likely to get into JHU, Emory & Tufts. You have got a great shot @ Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, & UPenn. All in all you have really maximized your high school experience!! Wherever you go, I'm sure that you'll be successful!!!</p>

<p>Princeton, Columbia, Cornell & UPenn - Reach</p>

<p>Ivies are reaches for pretty much everyone, but you have as good a shot as every other high stat applicant, but of course there was the guy with 4.0 UW & 2400 that got rejected so no one knows for sure.</p>

<p>JohnS Hopkins?</p>

<p>At least know the name of the schools you want to apply to</p>

<p>Thanks guys! Is there anything I can do to maximize my chances even more? My dream would be going to Princeton! So anything else, advice?</p>

<p>you really need more self-esteem boosting?</p>

<p>listen, not to be harsh, but youve heard from pretty much everyone that you have a great shot wherever you apply, and you know its probably true. so just smile and enjoy your well-deserved senior year, and stop asking for stuff!</p>