<p>Hey guys! I'm Emma, I'll be a senior this year at a private school in West Virginia. Anyways I want to attend either Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Emory, Tufts or John Hopkins. So what are my chances? Thanks so much!</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted (my school doesn't do weighted)
Rank: 1/255</p>
<p>*Hardest classes taken at school.
*Will have a great essay and awesome recommendations.</p>
<p>Classes taken--
Freshman year- English 1, P.E (required), Intro to Chemistry & Physics, Algebra 2, Government Civics, Spanish 1, Earth Space Science</p>
<p>Sophomore year- World Civilization, Accounting 1, Geometry, Spanish 2, Honors English 2, Visual Art 1, Biology</p>
<p>Junior year- AP U.S. History, Humanities, Pre-Calculus, AP English 3, Visual Art 2, Spanish 3, Chemistry</p>
<p>& Senior year I'm taking these classes-- AP English 4, Specialized Art 3,
AP Calculus, AP Spanish, AP Biology (takes up 2 class periods), AP Government</p>
<p>TESTS-- ACT- 34
SAT 1- 2280
SAT Specialized Tests- 780-- U.S History 740--Physics 760--Biology
Math II c-- 780</p>
AP English 3- 5
AP US History-5</p>
*Helps conduct Brain Research at University of KY medical center.
*Founded a non-profit organization to benefit brain research.
*Volunteer regularly at the local food bank. (180 hours so far)
*High school academic team- (4 years)
*Played high school girls jv softball ( 1 year)
*Played high school girls varsity softball team (2 years)
*Played high school volleyball (3 years)
*Played high school track (1 year)
*Played high school basketball (1 year)
*Took piano for 9 years (still playing)
* Member of Y-Club (community service club) 4 years
*Member of Student Council--4 years
*Member of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America (4 years)</p>
*Brain Research article published in national science magazine.
*HOBY Ambassador (Hugh O'brian Youth Leadership)
*Selected to attend the Inagural Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute
*President of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) (4 years)
*President of Beta club-( 4 years)
*Member of the National Honor Roll (4 years)
*Youth Entrepreneurs Program President---program creates technological projects for community businesses.----(4 years)
*President of National Honors Society
*Class President (4 years)
*Attended KYA (Kentucky Youth Assembly)--3 years</p>