<p>I'm an Asian American located in the suburbs of Phila. </p>
<p>Let me explain my situation. Midway through my sophomore year I was diagnosed with a neurological disorder in the spinal cord that forces the blood vessels to constrict and it keeps constricting until you get 0 oxygen to your muscles and you become handicapped and the muscles undergo atrophy. I was diagnosed by a Pediatric Rheumatologist because it is a Musculoskeletal disorder. Another well known musculoskeletal disorder is Muscular Dystrophy. Instead of sitting out of school, I decided to go to school anyway and did quite well.</p>
<p>I would like to become a Pediatric Rheumatologist when I grow up. I was diagnosed and treated by one and I would like to study more in-depth in Rheumatology.</p>
<p>Note: My recovery process is speeding up and I'll be healthy by the beginning of summer!!</p>
<p>GPA: 3.61 UW (our school doesn't do weighted)
Rank: 52/580
SAT I: 2200 <a href="will%20retake%20in%20October">800 M 700 CR 700 W</a>
SAT II: 730 USH 740 Bio 770 Chemistry 800 Math 2c (Projected 780 in Physics)</p>
<p>AP Classes Completed upon graduation: AP Literature, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 1,2, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP US History, AP World History
AP Scores: Calculus BC 5 Chemistry 4/5 US History 4/5</p>
<p>AIME 2005: 6
AIME 2006: 8</p>
Captain of the Mathletes Team
Editor of the School Paper
4 years Varsity Tennis
Frankford Hospital Medical Scholar <-med ECC
Spending Senior Year Training to become an EMT <--med ECC
Voluneering every week at local Chinese School
Model UN
Scholar's Bowl
National Honor Society
Latin Honor Society
Science Honor Society</p>
<p>One of my recs is coming from the most prolific Pediatric Rheumatologist in the world. He is the one who treated me.</p>
<p>thanks for your time!!!</p>