<p>Applying into a business program with an undecided concentration (considering finance) </p>
<p>GPA: 3.36 unweighted from a top NJ high school
SAT: CR: 570
Math: 640
Writing: 510</p>
<p>I have taken every business class my schools offers (Personal Finance, College Accounting 1 & 2, Marketing 1, Economics, Legal Studies)</p>
<p>No AP or honors classes but most of my core classes are College Prep.</p>
<p>Junior Year was my best year for grades (upward curve)</p>
<p>Important senior Year classes: Precalc, 2 science classes (forensic, biogeology) </p>
<p>I have had a part time job as a cashier/stock since April of junior year (20-25hrs per week)
I have been babysitting 6 hours per week since freshman year.
I volunteered at a day camp, local temple, fund raised in Relay for Life.
Member of high school jazz band all 4 years. </p>
<p>I am wondering my chances at Rutgers NB Business school, and UDel Business school and Umass Isenberg (reach schools)</p>