<p>Yeah, I missed that--it will definitely help your case--putting your chances up there. </p>
<p>P.S. The UC GPA is computed based solely on your sophomore and junior year grades. Senior year courseload is considered, but senior year grades are not asked for--since you can start applying in November.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>I really have to ask, just for recognition's sake, how's my chances at Columbia or Yale? with a 3.745 UW GPA and everything else said?</p>
<p>Much lower than your chances at the schools that ignore Freshman year.</p>
<p>When you say much lower... how much lower? Still competitive at either of the two?</p>
<p>Definitely not as competitive at Columbia and Yale, much more so because there are so many people with the same standardized test scores, equally impressive ECs and better GPAs due to your poor freshman year.</p>
<p>With your 4+ UC GPA, methinks you should definitely be in at Cal, though there is a very small offchance you may be rejected if you pick one of the severly impacted engineering fields as your major (Nuclear Engineering only takes 15 freshman per year).</p>
<p>Absolutely no interest in Engineering
Political Science and Gov't or Psychology basically all I'm interested in.
So, I'm basically looking for top tier colleges in those two fields.. Stanford, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia came to mind, any others I'm missing? And.. do I still have a chance to be accepted or is it pretty much hopeless at those two other schools?
Is there anything else I can do? I mean obviously my weighted GPA is about a 4.0 with 10 AP classes, do you think adcoms will see that Soph, Jr., and Sr. year I never dropped below an A and had harder courses then I did in Freshmen year and take that into consideration? Is it basically hopeless at Columbia and Yale? Those two are my next favorites compared to Stanford. Any other east coast schools that are highly commended for Poli Sci & Gov or Psychology? Also- will being from midwest play to my advantage at all? Especially from a school that never- I mean NEVER sends anyone to an Ivy League, last person was two years ago to Stanford- not an ivy but ivy calibur, and he was recruited- not based on grades. Sports...</p>
<p>Dartmouth - reach
Columbia(ED) - reach
Harvard - high reach
Princeton - high reach
Brown- reach/match
Wustl- match (if show genuine interest)
Chicago - in (with good essays)
Boston College - why ?
Notre Dame - why ?
UC Berkeley - in
Duke - reach/match </p>
<p>If you don't mind big school add U Michigan to your list - very strong at all your areas of interest, you will probably get some merit aid.</p>
<p>Have you visited ? Your list looks somewhat strange.</p>
<p>Why is Princeton a high reach?</p>
<p>I can't see how all those schools that you rated are such high reaches for someone with near perfect SAT ACT and perfect APs with only a 3.75 GPA.. and princeton I don't think is that high of a reach either since it doesn't calculate freshmen grades.</p>
TASP 06! Which one did you go to? I was at WashU. I see from your list that you're not applying to apply to either of the houses. any particular reason?</p>
<p>Cornell, I just didn't find any interest in the houses for undergrad.</p>
<p>fair enough.
i'm going for an interview at cornell house in a couple weeks. i'm super excited to see the house. is it awesome?</p>
<p>Of course it is, and do you have TASP withdrawal? I do. :(
I hope you get into Cornell - if that's where you're applying.
I'm still worried about this though :(</p>