<p>GPA: 3.895 uw (my school doesn't weight)
SAT: 720 cr, 710 w (11 essay), 700 m
ACT: 33 composite, 35 science, 34 reading, 32 english, 31 math, 30 english+writing (9 essay) ---- i plan to retake the ACT in september in hopes of getting the score i got on a practice test (35)
SAT II's: 750 lit, 720 latin, 690 US history --- i'm taking the math 2 in october and hope to get a good score on that, to replace the crappy 690 on the history test
APs: (2006) latin literature - 5, calculus AB - 5, english comp - 4, US history - 4 (2005) european history - 3 (i know i know, it was a bad class for me)
other academic honors: summa cum laude (gold medal) on the national latin exam three years in a row, honor roll, 9th place in the ocean sciences bowl (listed below)</p>
<p>i've taken the hardest classes possible at my inner city public school in seattle, washington. next year i am taking three more APs and calc based physics, which is considered to be an AP level class but the teacher doesn't want to be tied down by the AP curriculum. (APs next year are stat, language arts (i think it's lit, they just call it LA at my school) and gov).</p>
<p>i skipped a year of latin with a week notice (there was a schedule conflict, orchestra and latin 3 were the same period, my teacher called me a week before school started to warn me that i was jumping from latin 2 to AP).</p>
<p>also i'm a white, middle class female</p>
<p>drama club (9-12): very, VERY involved (an average of 10 hours a week). treasurer 11-12, acted in six shows (including starring in the musical into the woods this year), directed one show, stage managed one show, worked on the set for three shows, business manager for one mainstage, i've run 12+ bakesales in the past two years for the club.</p>
<p>choir (9-12): i participated 9th and 10th without being in the class (at least 15 others did this as well), practicing during lunches and evenings. 11th and 12th grade in the vocal jazz ensemble, which is the top choir (audition only). we won first in our division at the lionel hampton jazz festival in moscow, idaho and partipated in the jazz festival in reno (we didn't win, we got 4th i think). vocal jazz is a zero period class, it shows up on my transcripts, but i get to school at 6:45 AM every day to rehearse.</p>
<p>concert/marching band (9): co-principal flutist</p>
<p>orchestra (10-12): 10th grade in orchestra B, 11th and 12th as principal 2nd in orchestra A. we were named the best high school orchestra in the country by downbeat magazine this year. we have won first place at the northwest musical festival in gresham, oregon the past two years and have performed side by side with the seattle symphony. we have monday night rehearsals at least 12 times a year and have concerts up to three times a month.</p>
<p>flute outside of school (9-12): i have competed in the seattle young artists solo competition (10 and i will in next year) and the solo and ensemble competition (9-12). i have received the highest score (1) each time. i also occasionally play gigs.</p>
<p>ocean sciences team (11-12): we won 9th (out of 16th) in the washington state ocean sciences bowl last year and also won the sportsmanship award.</p>
<p>o2 (outdoors program in seattle): participated in the summer of 2005, and likely will do more with them this summer... volunteered with them on an indian reservation at the end of canoe journey, went to the olympic park institute to learn about the elwha river, went rock climbing, hiking and river rafting, also helped cut life rings around trees in seattle parks.</p>
<p>recreational basketball team (9-12): i've played for the same community center every year. we have practice twice a week and games once a week.</p>
<p>tutoring: i tutored a peer in math freshman year (45 hours throughout the year)</p>
<p>aquarium: this summer i am participating in the teen volunteer program at the seattle aqaurium. i work twice a week and also on selected weekends. i went through training and i am very knowlegable on marine life and the animals in the aquarium. my title is "teen naturalist," and i basically interact with guests and answer questions. should have about 150 hours by the end of the summer.</p>
<p>work experience:</p>
<p>i babysit for three different families very regularly, and this summer i have a scheduled nanny job for one of them (12 hours a week).</p>
<p>schools that i plan to apply to (i'm fairly sure this is the final list, though kenyon might be switched)</p>
<p>yale (scea)
st. olaf
<p>does this seem like a good list? what are my chances at these schools? should i find more safety schools?</p>
<p>ALSO: based on my list, are there any other match or safety schools you would recommend?</p>