Chances at these schools? WILL CHANCE BACK

<p>Can I get into these schools? What are my safety, match, and reach schools? I WILL CHANCE BACK!</p>

<p>Boston U
CUNY Baruch C
Emmanuel C (MA)
Georgetown U
Northeastern U
U Calif Los Angeles
U Pennsylvania
U South Car Columbia
U Southern Calif
U Virginia</p>

<p>Overall Gpa- 92%(which I believe translates to a 3.7?)</p>


<p>National Honor Society
Varsity Cheerleading(Hoping to be captain Senior Year)
Interact Club( Volunteer Club)-Officer
Global Community Club(International Social Change Club)- Vice President
Prestigious Ladies Of Power(( Minority woman empowerment))-Vice President</p>

<p>Volunteer Work
-Private Tutor( Do this at minimum 7 hours a week, during the summer as well)
-Book Buddies Program (Teaching children learn to read)
-Open Door Reach out and Read(Reading to Children)</p>

<p>STEP Program( Science and Technology Entry Program) which is a science and math program that A) is for minority students excelling in math and science and it B) Get me college credit. I've been in it since 6th grade and attend Saturday workshops 2-3 times a month and 4 weeks out of the summer every summer.</p>

<p>On ACT W/ no studying (took this past june-sophomore year)

<p>Junior Year Classes:</p>

<p>(All SUNY Classes are college level courses)
1) AP English Language and Composition
2) SUNY Racism, Classism, and Sexism
5) Pre-Calc
7)Physics Lab
8) AP Bio
9) AP Bio Lab
11) APUSH (AP US history)
12) SUNY Spanish( State University Of New York SPANISH)--also college level course-- non native speakers are not allowed to take AP their junior year.</p>

<p>Online courses:</p>

<p>WANTED: Solutions to problems of the 21st Century; NEEDED: More than just good ideas</p>

<p>Self Studying for:
AP Environmental Science
AP Psychology</p>

<p>African-American Female</p>

<p>Hi, first off you seem to be a great student and your EC’s show that you have leadership ability and some great interests. I chanced you for the schools with which I am familiar:</p>

<p>Georgetown U- high match/ low reach; try to raise your ACT score and write amazing essays.<br>
Boston U- same as Georgetown U
USC- match
Northeastern U- match
UCLA- reach; UCLA can be pretty tough to get into, I would try raising my ACT score and trying hard to stand out among all of the applicants.
Penn- reach; Penn is an Ivy, so they are all pretty much a game of luck.</p>

<p>Overall, I would just say to work on your test scores and make sure you present yourself in the best light, i.e. be unique and enthusiastic. The fact that you have taken some college courses will definitely show initiative and make you a stronger applicant. However, remember that none of us are admissions officers, so the respnses you recieve may not reflect your actual results. Good luck, though!</p>