<p>Just kidding. I don't have a 2.8 gpa. Sorry for tricking you all but i needed this question to be noticed</p>
<p>I have a 92 percent average - 3.7
I'm a junior and am taking three AP courses
And all of my other classes are honors except for physics, in which I cannot take SUNY or AP yet until I have taken the regular course( we have no "honors" physics)</p>
<p>I'm an African-American Female</p>
<p>National Honor Society
Varsity Cheerleading(Hoping to be captain Senior Year)
Interact Club( Volunteer Club)-Officer
Global Community Club(International Social Change Club)- Vice President
Prestigious Ladies Of Power(( Minority woman empowerment))-President</p>
<p>Volunteer Work
-Private Tutor( Do this at minimum 7 hours a week, during the summer as well)
-Open Door Reach out and Read(Reading to Children)( SOPHOMORE YEAR) </p>
<p>STEP Program( Science and Technology Entry Program) which is a science and math program that A) is for minority students excelling in math and science and it B) Get me college credit. I've been in it since 6th grade and attend Saturday workshops 2-3 times a month and 4 weeks out of the summer every summer.</p>
<p>I'm ranked in the top 14 percent. Hoping to get up to the top 10 percent, and my class only has 348 people.</p>
<p>What are my safety, match, and reach schools? Do I have a chance at my first choice(University of Pennsylvania)?</p>
<p>CUNY Baruch C
Dartmouth C
Emmanuel C (MA)
Emory U
Northeastern U
U Maryland Coll Park
U Pennsylvania
U Virginia</p>