Chances at UC Irvine

<p>I go to Palos Verdes Peninsula High School a well known high school.</p>

<p>GPA : 3.3(unweighted) 3.8(weighted)
SAT II: I’m going to take Math 2c and History on November and im expecting scores above 700 on each . and got a 660 on BIo
AP: US history -4 Bio- 4 Euriopean History - 4 I’m taking four difficult AP classes my senior year.
Boys Tennis 9th grade (captian) 10th grade ( captian, MVP)
Boy Scouts - (7th-12th) expecting Eagle Scout by December
Kendo ( Japanese Marital Arts) - Black Belt
Tae-Kwon-Do - Black belt
Voluteered at a Hospital for 100+ hours
Asian American Orchestra - (9-12)
Regional Orchestra- (8-12)
Co-Founded a club to help kids with autism
President of a couple clubs in my school
President Chinese Club</p>

<p>any comments woudl be great!! thank you</p>

<p>you're in...don't worry about it
nice EC"S by the way...i envy you ^^</p>

<p>hahahah thank you!</p>

<p>i went to palos verdes peninsula high school as well. Go Panthers!!!!!!! Goodluck on your admission</p>

<p>I'd say you have a pretty decent shot but not for sure for sure. Good luck!</p>

