Chances at UCLA From OOS


<p>I think that UCLA (which has now overtaken UNC-CH) is officially my dream school because it is amazing in every single way. But I'm from OOS, which basically means I'm screwed because my SATs are beyond pathetic. So what can I do to make UCLA a match please. Here are my stats:</p>

*I am an Asian Indian Male (most likely won't help)
*From a competitive public high school in Oregon: Beaverton High School, which was also rated the best AP school in Oregon, so yeah, its a smart school. (being from oregon isn't going to help either)
*student body at school = 500+</p>

<p>The Numbers/ECs</p>

<p>*Freshman year:
Language Arts (H): A/A
Social Studies 9: A/A
Advanced Algebra 2: A/A
Bio/Chem/Phys 10 (H): A/A
SAT Math Prep: A
SAT Verbal Prep:A
Spanish 1:A/A
Team Sports:A
Health 1:A
Web Design:A
Computer Programming:A</p>

<p>*Sophomore Year:
AP Chem: B/A
Lit Comp 10 (H): A/A
Physics 2: A/A
Pre-Calc: A/B
Social Studies 10 :B/A (can explain this B)
Spanish 2:A/A
Symphonic Band: A/A
Team Sports: A
Health 2: A</p>

<p>*Junior Year: (Projected Grades)
Human Anatomy: A/A
IB Biology: A/A
Spanish 3: A/A
IB Calculus: A/A
IB Psychology: B/A (should be able to get A/A)
Team Sports: A
IB Seminar: P (pass, no credit class)
IB English: B, B (might be able to get "A"s)
Study Hall: P (pass, no credit class)
IB TOK 1: B</p>

<p>*Senior Year: (projected schedule, maximum possible grades)
IB Biology HL 2: A/A
IB Calculus HL 2: A/A
IB English HL 2: B/B
IB Environmental Systems: A/A
IB Physics SL: B/A
IB Spanish SL: A/A
Team Sports: A
Study Hall (1st semester): P (pass, no credit class)
Study Hall (2nd semester): P (pass, no credit class)</p>

<p>IN SUMMARY: I should finish high school with around 3.75 or 3.8 UW GPA, but I'll do what ever I can to prevent that from happening. If I go down in flames, then I'll end up with a 3.7.</p>

<p>*class rank UW right now = 38/515. Weighted = 30/515 (will go up because not many kids have taken hard classes yet)
*IB Diploma Candidate (to be)
*Varsity tennis 4 years (will have 4)
*Science Team 4 years (will have 4)
*World Quest Trivia 4 years (will have 4)
*Science Club Treasurer (1 year)
*Science Club VP (2 years)
*Math Club (4 years) (VP 2 years)
*Speech and Debate Team (2 years)
*Portland Youth Philharmonic (will have 2-3 years)
*Mathfest Algebra 2 1st place freshman year
*Oregon Invitational of Mathematics Tournament Participant Fresh Year
*Mathfest Participant (will have 4 years)
*Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Rising Star Program (will have 150-175 volunteer hours done)
*Mathcounts Tutor (about 50+ volunteer hours)
*Right now I get about a 1920-2050 on the SAT, 28-30 on ACT according to Practice Tests for SAT, and the PLAN (it's like the PSAT for SAT except the ACT version) on ACT, but I'm shooting for at least a 2100 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT. Don't count on me getting a 2100 or a 32 because its not going to happen as far as I can tell right now</p>

<p>For my personal statement, I will talk about why I've gotten poor grades, and how despite forming a study group, taking a $1000 SAT class, taking >10 practice tests I've managed to fail the SAT, plus why I want to go to UCLA.</p>

<p>Please tell me my chances,


<p>UCLA: Slight Reach (out of state)</p>

<p>Wow...a $1000 SAT class...:eek:</p>

<p>makes me feel bad for not even studying for it =/</p>

<p>you've said you've taken:</p>

<p>*Freshman year:
Language Arts (H): A/A
Social Studies 9: A/A
Advanced Algebra 2: A/A
Bio/Chem/Phys 10 (H): A/A << aren't those really separate classes?
SAT Math Prep: A
SAT Verbal Prep:A
Spanish 1:A/A
Team Sports:A <<Grade in sports?
Health 1:A
Web Design:A
Computer Programming:A</p>

<p>how'd you manage to pull off 16-19 A's in one year?</p>

<p>I'm pretty confused about the whole grouping of bio and chem and stuff, but you can get that many A's in a year if your school is on a quarter system like mine was.</p>

<p>if he has a slight reach...then i have no chance....</p>

<p>Don't think that way. With the new holistic approach, admission will be even more unpredictable than before...basically, anything can happen. Do your very best on the application and have some confidence. Doesn't hurt to try. :D</p>