Chances at UCLA, UC Berkely, UC Irvine, Davis and Stanford

<p>hi! i was wondering what are my chances for UC Irvine, UC berkely, UCLA and UC Sand Diego and Stanford? I live in california I go to a pretty competative school, so my grades arn't the highest. Still I think I just want to apply to these 5 colleges only.. I was wondering what you think my chances are. Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Summer: Health and Drivers Ed: A/A</p>

WOrld history honors A/A
Geometery Honors A/A
Biology Honors A/A
English Honors A/A
Dance A/A</p>

<p>summer: Chemistry honors A/A</p>


<p>Physics Honors: A/A
Bio AP: B/B 4 AP test
Algebra 2 Honors: B/B
English Honors: A/A
Scientific Research A/A
Dance Team: A/A</p>

<p>SUmmer US History: A/A</p>


<p>English AP : A/A 3 AP Test
Environmental Science AP: A/A 4 AP Test
Pre Calculus Honors: B/B
Scientific Research: A/A
Leadership: A/A
Dance Team: A/A</p>

<p>Summer: American Government A/A</p>

Calculus AB AP
Computer Science AP
Chemistry AP
Economics AP
Journalism </p>

Debate Team: 4 years
Student government: 3 years ~ Treasurer, Publicities advisor, Historian
Dance team: 3 years
Journalism - Editor
robotics team 3 years
County Science fair winner in 10th grade- 3rd place... but entered science fair 3 times.
National Honor Society (NHS) - two years
California Scholoship Federation (CSF) - 3 years and counting</p>

<p>SAT 2080 SAT II Chinese 770 Biology 700</p>

<p>Thank you soo much</p>

<p>oh yeah my gpa is 3.8 unweighted :) and I am In state and i am an asian female</p>

<p>and the reason I am not in dance team or Student government this year is that I had Scheduling Conflicts... not because I just decided to quit :) although the colleges have no way of knowing that.. right? </p>

<p>anyway, thanks in advance for those who will reply to this!!!!!!!!!! THANKS :)</p>

<p>stanford is a far reach for many people, but i think you are fine at others, i hope you get in to stanford :), just write a kick a$$ essay :)</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCSD: Safe Match
UCI: Safety</p>

<p>wow thankyou!! I'm so happy UCLA is a match for me!!! I had thought it was going to be a reach. that is like my "ultimate-ist" dream school</p>

<p>Theres also another weakness in my resume... UC's like 3 years of foreign language.... I have 2 years . Im planning on applying undecided</p>

<p>(i forgot to ad in spanish 2 for freshman year A/A )&lt;/p>

<p>so what do you all still think?? Feel free to reply! :) thanks!!</p>

<p>Stanford: Rejected
UCLA: Accepted
UCB: Accepted
UCSD: Accepted
UCI: Accepted
UCD: Accepted</p>

<p>if you can write a good essay, I'd say Stanford would be in. write a kickass essay and get some good reccomendation. Noice job.</p>

<p>Stanford accepts so few students, I'd say it's a reach for nearly any student, bit a far to impossible reach for many. Your scores are a bit low for Stanford, but your grades are good. Your ECs are good, but no national ranking, so I'd say Stanford is a reach for you.</p>

<p>The kid from our HS who got into Stanford was amazing--she was one of the validictorians, NMF, played solo accompanying the state symphony & had won national competitions for violin & piano. Another kid I know who got into Stanford was student body president of an elite prep school with awesome grades & test scores & other very strong ECs.</p>

<p>It's definitely worthwhile applying to Stanford, but please recognize that it's a reach for everyone, except perhaps Chelsea Clinton while her dad was president (& she had good grades).</p>