Chances at ucla, usc, uc davis?

<p>Hi, I was just wondering if i could get accepted into any of these universities with the following stats.</p>

<p>Soph. year
AP Euro. History
Spanish 2
AP Human Geography
Alg. 2</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.9 W: 4.2
(Also took Chemistry and Trig over the summer at local college passed both with A's)</p>

AP u.s history
AP Chemistry
AP American/Literature
(Second semster) AP Calculus
UW Gpa: 3.8 W: 4.3
AP Environmental Science
AP statistics
UW GPA: 4.0 W: 4.2</p>

<p>SAT: 2250
I am also armenian which I hope helps me in my college application :)
I am also a california resident
I am planning on majoring in the medical field</p>


<p>UCLA: Match
UCD: Safety</p>

<p>What flopsy said.</p>

<p>You would probably also get into USC with those stats.</p>

<p>How did you do on those AP tests? For UC's, I believe they do make a difference, so...</p>

<p>I got a 4 on the AP european exam
5 on AP human geography</p>

<p>3 on AP chemistry
4 AP us history
4 AP American/literature</p>

<p>4 AP Environmental science
4 on AP stats.</p>

<p>But i dont think that UC's check the AP tests. I beleive that they dont care what you could do in 2 hours on a test, but they care about how you did the whole year.</p>

<p>only cal and la check ap scores the rest don;t care at all =(</p>

<p>UCLA = match
USC = match
Davis = safety</p>