Freshman Year (All College Prep)
Semester 1:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)
Semester 2:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)</p>
<p>Sophomore Year (Honors English & Honors Geometry)
Semester 1:
4.00 (UW) 4.00 (W)
Semester 2:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)</p>
<p>Junior Year (Honors Algebra 2, AP Psychology, AP Language & Composition, and AP Environmental Science)
Semester 1:
3.00 (UW) 3.60 (W)
Semester 2:
3.40 (UW) 4.00 (W)</p>
<p>I have only gotten one C in high school so far (1st Semester AP Psychology).</p>
<p>I am Armenian (Minority)
Upper Middle Class
First MALE in family to go to college</p>
<p>Part of AYF (Armenian Youth Federation)</p>
<p>SAT Score:
1st Time:1500
2nd Time (October 5): _____</p>
Armenian Club Member 2011 (Sophomore
Armenian Club President 2013 (Senior)</p>
<p>I wanted to know what my chances are of getting into the top UC's like Irvine,UCLA,UCSD. Also my chances of getting into USC. Do you guys think I have a shot at any of these colleges. I'm kind of nervoused about application time in a month. Got any advice?!</p>