What are my chance s of getting into the top UC's and USC

Freshman Year (All College Prep)
Semester 1:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)
Semester 2:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year (Honors English & Honors Geometry)
Semester 1:
4.00 (UW) 4.00 (W)
Semester 2:
3.83 (UW) 3.83 (W)</p>

<p>Junior Year (Honors Algebra 2, AP Psychology, AP Language & Composition, and AP Environmental Science)
Semester 1:
3.00 (UW) 3.60 (W)
Semester 2:
3.40 (UW) 4.00 (W)</p>

<p>I have only gotten one C in high school so far (1st Semester AP Psychology).</p>

<p>I am Armenian (Minority)
Upper Middle Class
First MALE in family to go to college</p>

<p>Part of AYF (Armenian Youth Federation)</p>

<p>SAT Score:
1st Time:1500
2nd Time (October 5): _____</p>

Armenian Club Member 2011 (Sophomore
Armenian Club President 2013 (Senior)</p>

<p>I wanted to know what my chances are of getting into the top UC's like Irvine,UCLA,UCSD. Also my chances of getting into USC. Do you guys think I have a shot at any of these colleges. I'm kind of nervoused about application time in a month. Got any advice?!</p>

<p>The UC’s are all very score orientated. As you may or may not know, they don’t even look at recs. Your grades are fairly low for the top UC’s, LA and Berkeley and your SAT score is doesn’t help. Being Armenian and not Asian will probably pull some weight. I hope you did well on your last SAT! USC is also hard btw. Apply to as many UC’s as possible, Merced, Riverside, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Irvine, San Diego, but unless you score a perfect 2400, your chances for the top tier UC’s and USC are really slim. I have a lot of friends who have high GPA’s 3.8 and higher and SAT around 1800-2000 who only get Riverside and Santa Cruz or something. Good luck! Do you have any more extra curriculum?</p>