Chances at University of Miami

<p>Gender: Female
Race: Vietnamese-Caucasian Mix
State: New Jersey
High School: Large Public
Major: Pre-Medicine courses with an Economics Major</p>

<p>SAT: 1720 (CR: 560, M: 570, W: 590)
ACT: Scores have yet to come back yet, have been in the 28-29 range during practice tests.
GPA: 3.5 UW, 5.75/7 W
Rank: School does not calculate class ranks.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars & Activities:
- School Newspaper Editorial Board Member (9, 10) [Leadership]
- Spring Track & Field (10 - unfortunately ended with an injury)
- DECA (9, 10, 11, 12)
---- State Finalist (9)
---- State Finalist (10)
---- International Competitor for NJ (10)
---- State Finalist (11)
---- State Officer for 7,000+ students (11, 12) [Leadership]
---- National Officer Candidate for over 200,000+ students; elections held April 2013 (12) [Leadership]
- Library Volunteer (10, 11, 12) (50+ hours)
- Homeless Volunteer (10, 11, 12) (50+ hours)
- Teen Help Organization Volunteer (9, 10, 11, 12) (300+ hours)
---- Lead Administrator (10, 11, 12) [Leadership]
- School Honor-Roll (10, 11, Probably 12 :))
- Part-Time Marketing Intern (11, 12)
- Instructor at Aviation Organization (9, 10, 11, 12) [Leadership]
- Management at Aviation Organization (11, 12) [Leadership]
- Head Broadcaster at Radio Station (10, 11) [Leadership]
- Radio Manager at Radio Station (10, 11) [Leadership]</p>

<p>Notable Classes:
- AP US Government & Politics
- AP US History
- AP Economics
- AP Biology
* AP test scores have not come back yet</p>

- Sociable personality; should lead to a great interview
- Well-written/fantastic essay
- Four Letters of Recommendation Offers
---- 11th/12th Grade Business Teacher & DECA Advisor
---- 11th Grade English Teacher
---- 10th/11th/12th Grade Guidance Counselor
---- Work Volunteer Coordinator, known for 6+ years</p>

<p>University of Miami is my top pick, but I am realistic. My SAT scores (since I have not received my official ACT score back) is right below Miami's average range and my GPA is average as well. However, would like some thoughts on my chances, early decision, with a great essay and interview, great leadership extra-curriculars, and great letters of recommendations. Also, what can I do besides re-take my SAT/ACT to better my chances next year? Maybe University of Miami is too much of a reach school?</p>

<p>Would like some thoughts, thank you for the time :).</p>

<p>You could visit – that would help. Best thing would be to get your SAT up. Good luck on the ACT (waiting for a score on Monday?). My kids both did better on the ACT. Maybe you will be in good shape…</p>

<li>I’m not the UM expert here… just been crazy researching for my DS, who has UM as his top choice as of now (rising HS senior).</li>

<p>Yeah! Fingers crossed it’s good on Monday :).</p>

<p>UPDATE: I didn’t get exactly the score I was hoping on the English area of the ACT, but I did get a 27, just a little below my normal 28-29 range. With the update of a 27 on ACT, was wondering my updated chances since I would definitely submit my ACT as opposed to my SAT score at this point.</p>

<p>Composite Score: 27
English: 25
Math: 27
Reading: 29
Science: 26
Combined English/Writing: 26</p>


<p>I’m pretty sure that ACT 27 converts to a higher SAT score than what you had. Can you try the ACT again in September?</p>

<p>If not, I would just send the ACT. But you should try again. You’re getting there!!</p>

<p>I’m not saying that it is too much of a reach but I will say that your ACT score falls bellow the 25th percentile which does not mean you’re not getting in. You shouldn’t have much of a problem with your GPA and you have good ECs/community service. I would retake the ACT one more time to see if you could get it up just a bit more but at this point, I think UM is a good match for you. Just write a good essay and impress your interviewer ;)</p>