Chance me for University of Miami? c:

<p>Hello, here are my stats:</p>

<p>3.2 unweighted, 4.6 weighted
Asian female
First generation college student
Florida resident
SAT - 1700 (R-600 M- 530 W-570) first attempt, taking it again in December
ACT - 25 first attempt, taking it again in December</p>

World History - 4
English Lang and Comp - 3
Art History - 2</p>

<p>Senior classes:
Dual enrollment Algebra
Dual enrollment Writing and rhetoric
AP Psych
Forensic science online class
Dual enrollment Drawing and Painting 3
Chorus 1
AP Macroeconomics/Dual enrollment American Government</p>

No sports, no clubs</p>

<p>Volunteering 6+ hours a week at a pet shelter</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I work after school and weekends at parent's store handling cashier and managing utility (FPL, water bill, etc.) usage and payment of utilities as well as calculating the business stock profit and looking over business's bank account and overall expenses weekly and monthly</p>

Had personal hardship in junior year and ongoing now in senior year... Explained in the CommonApp essay. (Thesis? I became more well rounded after such an experience...)</p>


<p>I'm planning to major in Business Administration</p>

<p>I clarified my work experience specifically in the CommonApp as to make up for the absence of club activities... I know this university is big on EC's but it's worth a try applying since I have been doing activities related to my major.</p>

<p>Chance me for UM?
Does anyone know if it is better to apply EA or ED?

<p>Well personally I think they are a major reach right now, sorry :l I was also close in stats with a 1700+ and saw it was a reach. I also said reach because I think your unweighted GPA is low and you don’t have any clubs or sports, which could’ve help even out slacking areas. But then again, if you had a hardship, maybe they’ll excuse you to some extent. It never hurts to try :)</p>

<p>I would say it’s a reach. First of all UM doesn’t look at writing. So you’re looking at an 1130 SAT. Work on getting that up about 200 points for a shot.</p>

<p>The 25th percentile of kids (that means the low end) have a 1230. The 75th percentile (high end) have a 1400. Why would they begin to look at you? </p>

<p>A 3.2 unweighted isn’t impressive…and you have no extra curriculars. No EC’s? No EC’s…I don’t see it. </p>

<p>Maybe somewhere else is better for you?</p>