Chances at University of Miami

<p>Hello, I was wondering what are my chances at the University of Miami (early decesion admission)
around a 3.4-3.45 unweighted gpa (5 AP classes so far)
havent taken SAT (plan to this summer)
Plan to attend the University of Miami summer program (2009)
Plan to get several Allumni letters of recomendation
Internship at Smith Barney
around 50 hours of community service per year (150 so far)
in the running for Congressional Classroom
Academic team (quiz bowl like) all 3 years
Debate team (1 year)
Junior Classical league (3 years)
Latin Club (3 years)
Golf team (freshman year and plan to be team captain senior) (2 years)
I plan to get a private SAT tutor for each section
School doesnt rank, but is the best private school in FL
Will most likely not need aid for paying for college (it depends)
Not a minority status
I also plan to volunteer at a politician's hq and help out
If my chances do not look good, could anyone suggest some clubs to start at my school or things to do so that it would increase my odds? Im trying to find a family friend who knows a member of the faculty, so that they can write a letter of rec...</p>

<p>Thanks and any suggestions would be grateful...

<p>A good match for you so far, if you get a 1200 or above on the SAT/1600 then youll do fine</p>

<p>chance me back at
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