Chances at UPenn, UW, Boston College, NYU, UCLA, USC, UCBerkeley, Tufts, WU?

<p>Hey all!</p>

<p>I am currently a high school sophomore (entering my junior year), and I would greatly appreciate it if you could enlighten me as to what my chances are in being accepted to the following colleges. Thanks!</p>

University of Washington
Boston College
Washington University in St. Louis
UC Berkeley


<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.7
APs: AP Euro (10th)
ECs: Theater (school play), Soccer (two years), Key Club (community service club), JSA (debate team), National Honor Society (treasurer), Class Council (treasurer), DECA (business club), LYAC (Legislative Youth Advisory Coucil)
Awards/Achievements: </p>

<p>Eager Service Award (2X) – 40+ community service hours
DECA 30-Page Business Plan State Finalist
Athletic Scholar Award – maintaining a minimum of a 3.5 GPA while enrolled in a sport(s) </p>

<p>State or Country: Washington
School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): 2,000+ student public school
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Strengths: Extracurriculars, academic rigor
Weaknesses: GPA</p>

<p>Junior Year Classes: AP Government, French 3, Physics, AP English, AP Calculus BC
Extra Information: If it makes any difference in the selection process, I am a year younger than the other sophomores in my class (so I'm technically supposed to be a freshman). I am enrolled in very rigorous courses as well. I am taking advanced classes in all subjects except for language. According to state standards, I am one year ahead in science and two years ahead in math. In terms of letters of recommendations, my uncle is a professor at UCLA, and I work closely with the head of the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) as well, and I hope to receive letters of recommendation from those individuals. </p>

<p>Let me know if there is any more information I can provide you with. Also, please let me know what area(s) I should improve in in order to better my chances at success. I am looking into pursuing a career in law! Thanks!</p>

<p>Good job at getting on the college search early! The rigorous class load is a must for the schools you’re looking at. Also, start thinking about SAT. They’re changing the test for your year, so unfortunately you can’t prep for the actual test, but you can prep for content. Alternatively, the ACT isn’t changing so you may want to focus your efforts there. Your ECs could use a boost, try to get involved a little more outside of the classroom. Lead an effort into your community to apply some of your skills, tutor underprivileged kids, etc. Going for those leadership positions will be a must. Make sure you get straight As through junior year to make up for the 3.7 GPA, that’s going to be really important. It’s hard to chance without an SAT score, but I’ll give it a shot:</p>

<p>UPenn: Reach
Boston College: Low reach
NYU: High Match/Low reach
UCLA: Depends on income. Being out of state helps IF you can pay full tuition, if that’s true then Match
USC: Low Reach
UCBerkeley: Same comment as UCLA about finances, but your GPA will REALLY hurt you here. High Reach
Tufts: Match
WU: High Reach</p>

<p>Try to get a few more safeties on this list, consider some of the lower UCs or less well known out of state LACs. For an in state option, what about SU? Lastly, as a pre-law I think you should consider Georgetown as a reach. Hope it helped! Please chance back at
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s impossible to chance people without a standardized test scores. You’re on the right track, but getting straight A’s your junior year would definitely be advantageous.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! Hopefully I can polish a 4.0 in my junior year :)</p>

<p>Being a huge Eagles fan, UPenn is my dream college!</p>

<p>Bump thanks!</p>

<p>I also live in Washington (though I’m a junior) and my dream school is Penn as well! Haha! Well first of all, good work on looking at colleges early and shaping your education to that. I think for the schools you’re applying to, you’re really going to need two things: a solid 33+ on your ACT AND/OR a 2250+ on your SAT, and a couple really powerful ECs. Don’t try to overload yourself with ECs. Colleges appreciate commitment and quality over quantity. </p>

<p>In addition, I assume you’ll be applying to the business schools at these universities so good for you, but it will also affect the chances I give you!</p>

<p>Penn - high reach (remember that this is Wharton we’re talking about. Those that apply to Wharton are automatically propelling themselves to the admission difficulties of HYPSM)
UW - low match/match
Boston College - match/high match
NYU - high match
WUSTL - low reach
UCLA - high match
USC - match
Tufts - I don’t know much about Tufts sorry!
UCB - low reach</p>

<p>Now this list of chances I gave you can TOTALLY change if you get those test scores I mentioned above and add a couple good ECs. Example: That UCB can become a match rather than a low reach and WUSTL can become an high match. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Chance me back? [Penn</a>, Harvard, Chicago and more!](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>UPenn: reach
University of Washington: low match
Boston College: high match
NYU: high match
Washington University in St. Louis: low reach
UCLA: high match
USC: high match
UC Berkeley: low reach
Tufts: high match
I’d do more ECs (not generic ones though. ones that show passion and focus) along with more leadership positions. And if you raise your GPA, a lot of the high matches could become matches</p>

<p>Thanks guys! Does anybody know if leader of recommendations carry any significant weight as well?</p>

<p>Are you applying for Wharton? I don’t think you said that but slamdunkz assumed you were. If so, you’re going to want more leadership positions. </p>

<p>Also, for your ECs, try to do something more interesting/out of the ordinary. This would help for any school. Stuff like Soccer, Key Club, etc. don’t really distinguish you from the other applicants.</p>

<p>Lastly, if you have a top choice I would apply ED if they have that option.</p>

<p>astonmartin is right. I just made the assumption based on the schools you’ve selected for us to chance and the fact that you’ve done DECA. All of them have good business schools so I just put two and two together. Please feel free to correct me. IF you’re applying to CAS, then I’d say your chances are a reach for Penn rather than a high reach. astonmartin is also correct about unique ECs and leadership positions if you intend on applying to Wharton</p>

<p>P.S. Consider applying ED if you want to go to Wharton badly</p>

<p>Figured I’d give this a quick update as to where I’m at as of today. </p>

<p>Took the SATs for the first time, and I got a 1630 overall. Am I happy? Absolutely not? However I literally spent one day “studying” for the exam. By studying, I mean playing an iPad app that gave some example questions :slight_smile: I will be taking SAT classes soon focused on just reading and writing (got a 650 on math, as that’s my biggest strength), and I am confident that I will be able to boost that score significantly since I will have actual preparation for it.</p>

<p>I have now taken on the following leadership roles (Disclaimer: I do these 100% for personal enjoyment, not just to put it on my resume. Every club/sport/activity I am involved in I genuinely enjoy:</p>

<p>Class Council Treasurer
National Honor Society Treasurer
LYAC (Legislative Youth Advisory Council) Vice-Chair - working with senators/legislators constantly
Freshman Ambassador (I essentially help freshman make a smooth transition from middle school to high school
Theatre Tech Crew</p>

<p>Still taking the classes above (I’m actually taking AP Calculus AB…don’t know why I said BC), and I anticipate that I will do well this year in them. Thanks!</p>


<p>Well, then, you already know that you’re going to need to do much better on your tests. As far as your plans for LOR, the most important ones will be from your teachers. I wouldn’t rely on your uncle or others not familiar with how you are as a student to get you in. You sound like you have a solid work ethic. Just keep reviewing your test material (could even consider the ACT). Good luck.</p>