<p>Hi, I'm a rising junior (male). (I'm on my sister's account, by the way). What are my chances for USC, Pomona, Rice, and Case Western?</p>
<p>UW GPA: 3.9
no weighted GPA/class rank </p>
<p>ACT: 33
SAT: haven't taken</p>
<p>SAT subject tests: Chemistry (760), US history (750)</p>
<p>AP tests: school offers college-level rather than AP classes; however, I have taken human geography (5) and French (5, as a native speaker). </p>
<p>Band, chamber ensemble on oboe. Private lessons for 4 years</p>
<p>All-state band and orchestra (principal player)
All-district band (1st chair)
Member of the symphony orchestra at a nearby university
Winner of a state concerto competition
performed a solo recital
Attended honors wind ensemble camp for 2 years </p>
<p>I volunteer regularly with Habitat for Humanity--- about 14 hours a week during the summer. So far, a total of about 200 hours.</p>
<p>Academic tutor- 3 hours a week during the school year </p>
<p>Vice President and hopefully future president of the Spanish Club</p>
<p>Member of Mu Alpha Theta and editor of the school newspaper</p>
<p>As you can see, music is a huge part of my life, and I hope to enphasize that on my application. Is it okay to have one strong commitment (like music), but not much else in the realm of EC's?</p>
<p>What should I work on during the next year to boost my app? Thanks!</p>