Chances at Wash U ED I

<p>Nowhere near as large as say, Brown, but yes Wash. U. has a very liberal population (what with the 40% jewishness and all).</p>

<p>WHAT are you talking about snr??? i am confused...</p>

<p>it's not 40% jewish... not that high, is it? do you have a source you got that from?</p>

<p>if i have a 2200 sat comp with 7 ap's bunch of extracurriculars including 25 weeks of research, as well as tons of intrest, would i have a good chance?</p>

<p>SNR what are you talking they way she is another camp friend of mine and bs's so thats why she feels the need for a stupid joke aka trying to make people think i am gay eventhough im not</p>

<p>ilovedogs: Everything I say I have gotten from my counselor or my friends at WUSTL. Yes, the total undergrad + grad pool is almost (just under) 40%.</p>