Chances Brown/ Brown PLME for ED?

<p>I know this post is long, but I would really like to get as accurate a picture of my chances as possible. Brown is my dream school and I will likely be applying ED first choice. There will probably be some level of coach support... Please chance and be specific (high reach, mid, low reach, high match,...) please. Anything I can do to increase my appeal/ chances? </p>


<p>Attend an Elite New England Prep School (one of the 10 Schools Association Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, ...)</p>

<p>SAT: 2270
CR: 740
Math: 760
Writing: 770</p>

<p>Studying for October SAT II's...</p>

<p>G.P.A. : Roughly 3.7 (10.00 on an 11.00 scale) over 3 years (Ranged from 10.33 to 9.00 in a given semester)
Taking most challenging courses I can:
Junior Year:
AP Chemistry
AP English
Spanish 3
Environmental Ethics/ Biomedical Ethics (Semester Courses)
Senior Year:
Honors Shakespeare and the Bible
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science
AP Biology
Holocaust/Existentialism* (Could be switched out for Spanish 4)</p>

<p>Rank: School Does not Rank (Honor Roll every semester but one)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars in School:</p>

<p>4 Years Varsity Water Polo (Best at this Sport)
-All New England Team (Honor given to the 10 best players in NE in a given year)
-High Scorer on team (60+ goals in 11 games)
-Team Captain</p>

<p>4 Years Varsity Swimming
-All League Swimming Award
-All New England Swimming Award
-Underclassman MVP Award
-Team Captain
+ Numerous League Top 3/ All New England Top 8 Finishes</p>

<p>3 Years Varsity Sailing/ 1 JV
-Captain's Choice Award</p>

<p>Founded Rocketry Club/ Head of Rocketry Club
-Grew Club to 25+ members
-Have built a Rocket over 10' tall
-Have sent a Rocket over 15000'
-Currently working on pico-satellite which will launch into Low Earth Orbit in Spring of Next Year (Launch Date Confirmed) -- when completed my partners and I will become the first high school students to ever have built and launched their own satellite independently/ Leader of first high school student team to build and launch a satellite -- had to raise over $20,000 for this project.</p>

<p>3 Years Head of Computer Club
3 Years Economics Club Member
2 Years Debate Team Member</p>

<p>One of Four Members of JETS Science Team (Normally a 6 person team -- even with 4 people our team still finished 30 out of 300 schools)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars Outside of School:</p>

<p>-5x National Surf Lifesaving Champion (National Champion in Five Different Events)
-1x National Surf Lifesaving Runner-up
-Member of Team USA Lifesaving (travelled to Australia to compete in the World Lifesaving Championships -- finished 4th overall in 3 events)
-3x Pool Lifesaving National Champion
-Employee of Local Ocean Rescue Team
-Local Junior Guard Instructor (Teaching Kids 8-15 Surf Lifeguarding Basics)
-Local Mini-Guard Instructor (Teaching Kids 4-7 Ocean Safety/ Surf Basics)</p>

<p>-200+ Hours of Community Service at Local Hospital (direct patient involvement)
-Traveled to Uganda with a Professor from Harvard Medical School (just the two of us went) to work in a rural Hospital -- teaching Neurosurgery methods to the doctors, working on research (as to the effectiveness of the program) -- actually was brought in on over 10 surgeries where I was allowed to participate (one whole Summer)
-Worked on Medical Research with another Professor from Harvard Medical School into Myocardial Dysfunction in Sepsis (one whole Summer) (Helped with/ have my name on a major research paper)
- Will likely be working the summer after senior year on a NASA funded research project (Medical... ties in with satellite research) -- still waiting on a grant for the laboratory... after September Senior year, it will be official -- same Harvard Medical School laboratory</p>

<p>-Numerous Open Water Swimming Victories (4th Overall in 10 Mile Kingdom Swim/ 1st U20 Great Chesapeake Bay 5 Mile Swim/ 2nd Overall Mashpee 5K Super Swim)</p>

<p>Other Things That Make Me Interesting:</p>

<p>-Ran a Full Marathon at age 13 (4 hours give or take)
-Have read over 3000+ books ( I am a voracious reader-- through middle school I used to read 2-3 books a day)
-Am a (relatively) accomplished surfer (won/finals in local competitions)
-Hobbies: playing ukulele, surfing, downhill longboarding, building things, reading
-Filmmaking: Started a YouTube Channel: got over 180,000 views and 12,000 subscribers before I stopped (3 months -- was getting to be too much of a time commitment) </p>

<p>Possibly Important Things:</p>

<p>-Mother was first in family to get a college degree, to finish middle school
- Half-brother (see Brother) attended Yale, Colombia Med School, is a Professor at Harvard Med School
-White Male</p>

<p>Recommendations: (hopefully excellent)</p>

<p>-Teachers: - Philosophy Teacher
- AP Chemistry Teacher
-External: -One from the doctor I worked with in Uganda
- One from the doctor/ p.i. I worked with at the Harvard lab</p>

<p>Essays: (yet to write, hopefully excellent)</p>

<p>Bro you posted this like a week ago and received a fair amount of responses. Stop being insecure and just apply with your competitive stats.</p>